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Two updates in one month?! Be still my beating heart!

Howdy folks, so here it is. Version 0.8. As states in the previous update, it's been mostly bugfixes, but there are some important things of note.

!IMPORTANT Naboolicious questline has been changed, which might cause some bugs in your game. If you've already gathered the password, then go to Shin's cell and reset the quest. This 'should' fix (fingers crossed) any issues you experience ingame.

  • Redesigned Naboolicious (see above message)
  • New art for Hondo 
  • Fixed a bug that disabled smuggle missions
  • Fixed human skin and added human facial expressions to Ahsoka.
  • Fixed a bug where Ahsoka would pre-maturely offer a handjob.
  • Fixed a bug that had Ahsoka refuse to dance / grope naked, despite having reached the appropriate level for it.
  • Countless smaller bugs and grammar / typo's fixed.

I know there's still a bunch of bugs left. I have written them down and will try to get around fixing them as soon as possible! Next update will see a new player character model and hopefully... some sexy times between 2 of the girls. Stay tuned!


*Updated to 0.81 - 27-01-28

PC Version
Mac Version



Hey Wolf. You unlock Shin'na by just training Ahsoka. Once she reaches slutlevel 30, you get the quest to unlock her via your messages. You can only get the crystal 'after' unlocking Shin. After which, it's not a random chance. You get it pretty early on after unlocking Shin and exploring the station.


Good idea! I thought I had already added it, but I guess not. I'll try adding in the next update.


Android version possible? 😎


Can we expect more interaction with Shin in the near future? I was disappointed we couldn't do much with her (Twi'leks are a personal favorite). Also possibly are we getting more positions with both Ahsoka and Shin? Possibly threesome positions and dialogue? Also what is the purpose of Mandalorian Armor? I have bought three suits of it and they don't show up in the inventory along with a few other items.


i don't know if it is a bug or not but the tattoos i brought from the black market and found wondering the station do not appear in the menu when you make changes to ashoka


Long story. The original artist disappeared before I could commission those. I'm working incredibly hard on finding a replacement artist (and have found one). So don't worry. The tattoo patterns will be available in the future.


how do I set the Hypermatter? is there a trick to is or something?


When is the next update?


any cheats code to get more money


Really enjoying the game, I am really glad I decided to pledge! I love the use of Star Wars lore, both the great use of KOTOR lore and of the Clone Wars era. And Shin is a great companion to Ahsoka. Really like the two of their relationship, and I can't wait to see more scenes and the accompanying art work. I did notice there are a lot of items that it says I get, but don't show up (things like tattoo design #3, green vials, togrutan art, and so forth). I understand this is a work in progress, but will it register that I found these when they are added in? Or will I need to find them again once they actually do something?


I just got a new computer do you know if there is any way for me to regain the saved data in the game I had on my previous computer?


Hey Dylan, so here's what you can try. Inside the game folder there's a folder called "Saves". You could try transferring your saved files from there. Alternatively, you can restart the game in Developer mode (just start a new game and select Developer intro. This allows you to add Hypermatter, unlock outfits, unlocks stats and much more. It's an easy way to get back to where you were.


Yeah, items are still a bit of an issue. It takes a lot of time to add new items to the inventory and many of them don't have graphics / effects yet. Luckily almost all of these items 'are' being registered. Meaning when I add the code, they'll show up in your inventory if you've collected them. It is something that's actively being worked on though. =) Thank you for playing!


It's not really relevant, but just to fill up space...I didn't realize until this morning that your name is "X is coming". I kept trying to read it as one word. OK, non-relevant post is officially done.


I am sure you have a lot on your plate right now, but I have two questions, both related to Zygerria, which has easily my favorite job for Ahsoka (so far). Will we get a chance to have her dress in that great party outfit she comes back in after we lend her out for a few days? Easily my favorite outfit of hers. And any chance we can "check" her training by spanking her again like the scene earlier in Zygerria?


How do you unlock Shin'na?


Also, I have been building up a lot of Influence. Cna we get the option to buy hypermatter for influence in larger amounts. Like a thousand perhaps?


Also can the chance to find the crystal for Ahsoka be just a little bit higher? I have hit the Explore button a few hundred times for that and I have not found it yet. It is getting aggravating. Please up the chance for it a wee bit. Maybe raise it for The Dark side of the Moon quest being active?