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It's the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is upon us and that means Christmas updates. First of, I'd like to give a huge shout-out to Velenor who stayed up all night just to get a particular get a piece of art done in time.

Thank you

Before you click that download link, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being here. 2017 has been an incredible year. Both for the game and for me personally.

Without you and all your support, this game would've just been another pipeline dream of mine. Something I would never finish and eventually get bored with. It is thanks to you guys, playing my game, leaving me bugreports and cheering me on, that gives me the motivation to keep working (and to keep working through the night like today!)

What I can tell you, is that the future is looking bright.

New Year

So what sort of future are we looking at? A smutty one, that's for sure! Orange Trainer isn't even close to done, but I've decided to set a goal for myself. May 2018.

I feel like I may be shooting myself in the foot here, but that's my goal to release the game! No idea if it's gonna work, but I'll try my damn hardest.

And after that? Well well well~.... there are 2 IPs that I've been looking at, which I think will be great for these type of games. I'm not going to reveal just yet what they are, but plans are being made, are is being commissioned and flies are unzipped! Stay tuned!

What's new

  • Christmas update. New outfits, new accessories, new consumables, and more!
  • Complete warmap overhaul (alpha version)
  • Sex scene art for Kit (only available during the girl's first time having sex together, but regular sex scenes will be added in the future). I really gotta say, ZionAxiel outdid himself with this piece. Might be my favorite one yet.
  • Some minor bugfixes

"But Ex! How stable is this version?" - Fucked if I know. Xip really bailed me out by testing the game only a few days before the deadline, but since then, I've added a ton of new options and items. That means that it might be a buggy mess! As always, please report any bugs you find, so I can get them fixed.


PC Download
Mac Download

16-12: 0.71 Hotfixes 
17-12: 0.72 Hotfixes 
17-12: 0.73 Hotfixes
20-12: 0.74 Hotfixes  (Fixes red-alert screen when going to bed. Remove Developer tool to spawn in presents.)



Damn. Best idea. Also a newbie skipping through comments and posts but if that’s going to be realized then it was worth it to become a patreon :D


Exploring the station, I find a machine that reads "Insert Command". If I choose "Ask it to give up some Hypermatter", after some screens it shows "You got 15 Hypermatter!" When I click away that message then I'm suddenly at the main menu of the game... (no error is shown)


That's some very old code right there. I can't believe noone reported this before. I'll try fixing it asap.

Andrea Cutri


Andrea Cutri

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While loading : File "game/UIoptions.rpy", line 871, in script File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 471, in execute_call_screen store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs) IOError: Couldn't find file 'UI/items/thumbnails/outfit15ahsokaThumb.png'. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/UIoptions.rpy", line 871, in script File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1706, in execute self.call("execute") File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1724, in call return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\statements.py", line 145, in call return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs) File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 471, in execute_call_screen store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 2526, in call_screen rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\ui.py", line 285, in interact rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2526, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2883, in interact_core self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 1955, in draw_screen renpy.config.screen_height, File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 427, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen\renpy.display.render.c:6806) rv = render(root, width, height, 0, 0) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 623, in render child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 895, in render surf = render(d, width - x, rh, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 707, in render rv = super(Button, self).render(width, height, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1081, in render st, at) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 473, in render im = cache.get(self) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 200, in get surf = image.load() File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 524, in load surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename) File "D:\fenix\Videos\1\GIOCHI 1\Orange_Trainer_0.72-pc\renpy\loader.py", line 543, in load raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name) IOError: Couldn't find file 'UI/items/thumbnails/outfit15ahsokaThumb.png'. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Alien Trainer 0.0

Andrea Cutri



That's really weird. This was working before. I must've accidentally messed it up. I'll quickly put out another hotfix (version 0.73)

Andrea Cutri


Anthony Michelli

So to access Kit's sex scene we need to start a new game? Everything i try to do with my save form the last build is just a bunch of WIP/Dev notes.


I'm planning on adding the scene to Kit's menu sometime this month, so no need to re-start =)


Wait, am I supposed to be able to recruit kit? Do I need to start a new game for that? I just get a DevNote when I try to advance that questline


Loved the x-mas event! Nice work on the new star map too.


Enjoying the xmas events! I also like the 'building starfighters' mechanic, makes much more sense this way. A few interface suggestions: * When I hit the 'h' key, the sprites in the foreground vanish as well as the textbox. The usual ren'py behavior is to hide the textbox, specifically so we can admire the foreground art. Is that something that could change? It would definitely improve fappability. * The new galaxy search screen lacks tags, so you kinda have to click and guess which one is "salvage", which one is "harass", etc. * A suggestion: It's hard to see what impact your actions have on the war progress meter. How about if on any turn it moves, you put a little bit of red on the bar showing the area that was moved over since the last turn? So if the token was at position X=50, and moved 2 pixels to the right, the 2 pixels of bar to the left of the token would be red. This would be an intuitive way to see what happened, which would help us figure out what actions work and which ones don't.


Huh, I never knew about the H button trick. I'll have a look at it. The holomap thing is probably a good idea. Yeah I know. The whole wareffort thing is still really vague at this time. I'm thinking to think of ways to make it more fun


Anyone know why a cell phone will not download orange trainer


New patron but I'm loving the game so far! I played through most of the content and have only encountered one definite bug and one oddity which may just be unimplemented content. The bug was that Hondo would stick to the foreground if I ever traded influence for hypermatter. This was nothing big thanks to the fact that it could be fixed by clicking "Chat" in the black market and then clicking "Back". The possibly unimplemented content were three items in the black market which I couldn't find in my inventory after purchasing them. They were the mandalorian armour, the stolen togruta art and the Jedi artifact. Really small things which did not affect my experience with this superb game. Overall the writing is top-notch, comedy is on point, the art is fantastic and there's already a crazy amount of content. If I could ask one thing about the future game though; will you be implementing a way to repeat the deathstick sex scene when you first gift them to Ahsoka? I just thought since the kolto tank had an option for curing addictions that there would possibly be a system for a bit of drug-induced sluttiness. Really great so far and I can't wait to see what you add in the future!


That's a good idea! I like that! Spiking the Kolto Tank with Death Sticks. I'm gonna add that. Thank you for playing! =)


I seem to have a problem. I donated hypermatter to repairs, Ahsoka was kidnapped, and now I have to explore Geonosis to find her, right? The problem is that when I click "explore planet" I get "(nothing but sand and bugs) or something like that, then "You set off for Geonosis" and I'm back at the menu with "visit tailor", "explore planet" and "return home". I assume this isn't intentional? I couldn't explore the planet even before Ahsoka was kidnapped.


Right, so... that's actually a bug I came across today. Right now, you can only progress that quest if you have 30 Influence due to me changing some code by accident. The next update to the game should fix that. It's suppose to go out on the 26th, but I might release it earlier.