Merch Update (Patreon)
I just wanted to give all you Patron Saints a quick merch update.
In the beginning of August Patron Saints will be getting a signed poster from last year's Jamboree, and the new Blu-ray (the 5th one) will start going out then as well. The new Blu-ray will only be going out to members that have already received the first four. Everyone else will be getting the newest one they haven't received yet.
The person at Patreon in charge of our merch was let go, and that caused a delay in them sending out our usual merch, which is why JB and I are sending out the posters ourselves. However, the tote bags will still be coming from Patreon at the end of September.
I also have a dozen or so emails of Patron Saints that are missing items, and I'll try to get back to all of you tonight or tomorrow and get those items on the way.
Looking foward to seeing everyone in Discord for the Gunsmoke watch along in a few minutes. 🖤