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Hello friends... I have an important announcement about my Patreon!! If you want a TLDR just read the very bottom LOL 

Starting next month, I am going to be discontinuing the monthly fanart polls for the foreseeable future. 😭 (This month's poll drawing will be done extremely soon).

I've been getting a huge influx of work and other IRL responsibilities for a while now and it's becoming really hard to keep up with also doing a poll drawing every month. I will still be keeping my document of all the previous poll suggestions to look at if I need inspiration on who to draw!

Also I'd like more time to experiment and do some more complex fanarts that I've had the ideas for but just don't have time to complete! I think artwork where I know the character really well and have a solid idea turns out way better quality than when I don't really know the character at all or have any idea about them. 

I know a lot of people really like the polls so I'm very sorry!!! I will still be doing polls for patrons once in a while if I want an opinion or am torn on something! So the polls will still be here, just won't be every month. 


Starting in March, $5 patrons will be receiving a 15% off discount code to my Etsy shop, and $10 patrons will be receiving a 25% discount code! These codes will be unlimited use and last the whole month, so I will be sending new codes every month.

TLDR: Monthly fanart polls being discontinued, will still run polls once in a while. $5 and $10 tiers are getting monthly Etsy discount codes of 15% and 25% respectively. 



Completely understand! Hoping you can juggle all the new challenges coming your way!


You should replace it with a monthly poll where we can vote on how awesome you are 😎