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Hello everyone!

The $5 digital rewards for April 2023 have been sent out to patrons via DM. This pack will also be available upon new pledge until May 31st.

This pack includes layer files (PSD and CSP), full res (4k) images, and process pictures for the following artworks:

  • Dark Hour [Persona 3]
  • Leanne [Fire Emblem]
  • Natsuno [13 Sentinels]
  • Rise [Persona 4]
  • Saber [Fate]

If you were a $5 or higher patron for the month of April, and haven't gotten a DM from me with these rewards, send me a Patreon DM or email me at alalikart@gmail.com

Thank you very much <3

P.S. This is the 6th month of my Patreon so officially half a year. I can't believe it's been going on this long! I was so scared to start a Patreon because I wasn't sure if I could handle delivering rewards on time, but happy to say that I've never had a delay at all so far and have been sending everything on schedule. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support! 
