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Hello there, been a while since we've had a one to one, or more like a one to 600 plus people. But yes, I will be back to updating shapeshifter all the way to the end this year.

This feels like a played out line to usher out again in a vain attempt to get you believe me again but maybe an elaboration on my current circumstances might help illustrate some things that went on behind the curtain.

Firstly I might want to emphasise that the pressure to finish this is almost insurmountable at times. Knowing that the series that got you on the map will be coming to a close and the looming question of retaining any interest is often scary. How many of my patrons will still be here after it's concluded? I don't wish to impart any guilt on anyone who wants to leave, I'm just trying to make a decent story that can pay my bills, haha. Not that this made me play ransom with the story and keep you all on a fishing line for that one day you might get an update. I just second guessed myself a lot on IF I could even write a satisfying conclusion to my story. Just standard stuff for this type of territory.

When it came to addressing impostor syndrome and wondering if Shapeshifter was 'lightning in a bottle', creating the Nickels comic definitely helped calm my concerns of that. I had a lot of fun changing gears and writing a more light hearted affair. It restored my confidence in being able to write a good engaging story and reassure that there will be an audience after Shapeshifter ends. The diversion also helped my mental health significantly. I don't feel like I'm that one hit wonder anymore.

There's some other concerns like wondering if the tone of the comic is too all over the place. Are readers here for porn or are they here for story? A lot of fans come to me and say they love the series but are also surprised to find out there is a part 5 or that there is even multiple parts at all. It doesn't help the website was a bit slow as well.  Though I've learned now that I shouldn't be dissuaded by what the expectation of the story should be and should just write my truth. Sometimes the obvious lessons takes the longest to learn.

Shapeshifter will be 10 years old this year. Even if everyone wants to leave, even if everyone hates what I have planned and even if I won't be at the artistic level I feel is unneccessary, I will finish this.

Going forward, lemonfontcomics.com will have the comic up to date and available to read in it's entirety. Updates will be where ever you can find me. I still have a mountain of commissions to go through, so please be patient with me on that front. 

Thank you all and especially my lovely Wife for being there for me.


Matt R

We'll support you no matter what


I initially supported you way back when for Shapeshifter, but along the way i have grown to appreciate the ideas and implentation of said ideas. Oft times it does nothing for me kink-wise, but it's the journey and all that.


The longer we wait, the more satisfying it will be when it comes out 🥰 You got this, matey 👌


The shapeshifter story was how I found you years ago, but I'm supporting you here because your a talented artist with a knack for making the odd and bizarre fun and unique. Even if this is the end of Faye's storyline, we know you'll have something else to fill the void it leaves behind.


Can't technically say I've been here since day one but pretty close, I came in between part 1 and part 2. You were one of the OGs that got me into futa in the first place. Fun fact: I was the one who pitched the name "Dawn" during your live stream years ago. I say all this to say I ain't going no where. You're an incredible artist and I'm proud to be a supporter.

Jaren Taylor

Shapeshifter got my attention but it's not the only reason I'm here. You're a very talented artist and I'm sure you have many more interesting stories to pen from here going forward, and I'm eager to see all of them.


I’m here for the content porn, story.. still I support what you put out. It’s been a wild ride and the ride will have its ups and downs but that’s life! Besides hoping to one day get many commissions with you is what keeps me going : )