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Thank you for waiting.

There have been many difficulties with continuing to update Shapeshifter and I appreciate your patience throughout this ordeal. I might do a post later that delves deeper into the mental state that went on behind the scenes but for now please enjoy.

This also marks the end of a certain act of Shapeshifter, so much that I'm tempted to call this the end of part 5 but I got to stick to my guns and keep that arbitrary title haha.

We'll try and get the next update soon. You're all amazing.




I'm so happy you're still going with the series, Lemon. Your work was one of the first to make me go out and discover the world of online art and artists. It's really amazing how far you've come, and how much I have come to care for the characters of your story. I don't know what's been going on with you lately (the recent events you mention in the post); whatever they are, I hope you're through the worst of it. I really must try to make it to more LemonStreams. I kind of had to give it up once you went transatlantic, but I do miss them. Anyway, please take care of yourself out there. I wish you all the best, and I shall look forward to reading new episodes of the arbitrarily numbered final issue of Shapeshifter for as long as you want to carry on this fascinating story.


O-O oh dear


Wow! The drama is tense!


Can I ask. Do you do polls for the ss5?


Dawn thinking of Faye’s man? Can’t say I didn’t see that coming, what with how those two get all freaky, and he is completely okay with have an eldritch being as a mate. IT’S GETTING GOOD!

Blue Topaz

Hmm, is it a coincidence that these were the shifts (in the same order) that Faye was told to do way back in the beginning..?