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For those that might have missed my tweets, I have been educated on how to update the site myself from my site guy so expect a pretty up to date compendium there for my works should other avenues not suffice.

Any suggestions for improvements are always welcome : )


Fake Name

Software nerd comments: 1. Background image is 4 MBytes, and not cached client side. Plus, it's a tiled image too, so it should be pretty easy to make it tiny. 2. Caching in general seems to be completely disabled. 3. I'm not sure who you're using for a host, but they're impressively slow. Somehow they're serving static assets at ~1 MByte/s. 4. Comic gallery fails without client side JS for no good reason. And it doesn't do image preloading or anything that would make the JS dependency at least somewhat reasonable. I think mostly you need to figure out why client side caching is completely disabled. That's making things a lot slower then they should be, since every pageload involves refetching all your CSS/js/background-image/etc... It is nice that you're not using a giant framework. 3.5KB of CSS is impressive! You might want to run it through a minifier, though. Also, someone appears to have tried to comment out some lines in the CSS using `//`, which isn't valid CSS. It might work, but only because the resulting CSS winds up being invalid ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51843506/how-reliable-is-double-slash-comment-in-css ). It would be nice if CSS supported proper line-based comments. Not trying to be critical, just noting some things I see. I can probably help figure out how to fix some of this stuff if you'd like. It's probably just a configuration flag somewhere for the caching issues.


Not everyone's a web expert, so I would second this guy's advice about looking into the size of assets and getting caching going. When I learned about edge servers and AWS regions, how they help serve traffic faster, I realized just what a vast landscape of technical knowledge regarding website hosting was out there and how little of it I understood. It does matter what physical location stuff is in and where you are trying to access it from.