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So I don't know how much twitter overlap there is so i'll just bring us up to speed here.

I made a post on my twitter.com after playing around with the concept of were clowns and stuff, saying that I would do a comic at the $1000 mark on patreon and hey, ~1130 is close enough.

Big thanks to a very avid clownaphile (they may choose to reveal themselves here if they should so wish.)

Gonna go ahead with a small issue (around 15-20 pages) see how well it was received and go from there.

I hope y'all look forward to it and I hope that coulrophobia isn't a big thing here, if it's something you really don't want to see, let me know and i'll see if I can work something out. : )

Thank you for your time, I'll also try and ask any spoiler free questions you may have.




It’s kinda funny that I joined your Patreon to see this made but I’m always a fan of your work

Bruce W. Liu

Is it contagious? Does it effect Male as well as Female? Is there a cure to the madness!?!


I like the Idea! I hope after her comic we can see more of her!


I feel like this counts as a monster girl lol


Never really been into clown girls, but I am intrigued by the potential. Should be fun, no matter what.


I'm up for it