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Apparently I've heard Patreon will be incorporating a change to it's fee's regarding patron charges and such. 

I've seen that this will particularly hurt people who pledge at around the 1 dollar mark which can lead a lot of people to be discouraged to pledge or really mess with your budgeting if you have a set budget for multiple patreons and such.

Either way, if these are true. I totally understand if you ever have to jump the ship and I'll appreciate those that want to stay longer.

With that said, I hope to have some substantial content for everyone before this year is out.  : )



Who would want to abandon you and not be able to support you for all these dicks.


I'm beyond pissed off about it and will be encouraging artists to jump ship to any possible alternative, but I'm not quite at the point of being willing to abandon my supported creators, which is exactly what they're banking on. Utterly furious, but sticking around anyway.

Crissa Kentavr

Any possible alternative will not be able to beat the credit card servicing companies, who are the ones getting this 2.9 plus 35...