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Hey, everyone.

I wanted to take a moment from my work to post a little update for everyone. Witchy Ex-Girlfriend part 4 is coming along well, but as happens with my finales, it's taking a bit too long to get out. Because of the challenges and attention these conclusions require I won't have anything to provide tonight other than a few teaser images.

I also got a little side-tracked with another project I want to start working on afterward that I think you'll all really enjoy. I threw a teaser into the images attached.

I do hope to have half of this 4th part uploaded tomorrow evening. I just know that writing and post-edit won't be completed tonight. Those of you that subscribed for July will still have access to this comic when it releases, however, provided that you bookmark the MEGA folders using the links below.
Premium Folder | Standard Folder | Basic Folder

I do apologize for how long these take to make lately. Going forward, starting next month when I release both parts of this final chapter, I'm going to revert back to smaller updates aimed to be released weekly. That's kinda how I did it up front and it definitely flowed better, but the catch is I won't have fully completed chapters dropping at a time.  Either way, it's worth trying something different as I don't feel this big release a month thing is working out anymore.

I won't post story goals just yet, as I want to get this chunky conclusion to Witchy Ex-Girlfriend out first. Afterward I'll share what I'm working on next, but the Batson sequel is certainly coming up soon.

In the meantime, while I wrap this up, I want to thank all of you that continue to support my art and stories even though I know my production has slowed down a bit over this past year. It means a lot to me and I will see what I can do to better improve my workflow going forward.

Cheers <3
- Kara




Im not super smart how do i find the detective batson story?


😃you make a good job


I like the big chapters and would rather be patient and wait for them. We know you can’t rush or force what you create so if the best outcome involves taking more time then so be it.


awww yeah!

Fox Face

No worries on the delays Kara! Just super keen to see the story. Very appreciative that you can create this awesome content - it certainly inspired me to start writing! Very much looking forward to the first half of this final chapter.


Aww yeah I can't wait. I really liked that story and thought it was way too short!


Take all the time you need. Witchy Ex-Girlfriend is one of your best works so far. Can't wait to see what will happen next :)


Oh, and I just noticed. I think we use the same bathroom in our coumics. That's cool :D


Thanks for the update. But I was wondering if you are going to continue on Dan's Distortion? Thats my favorite from you. Witchy Ex-Girlfriend is a close second tho. So I am looking forward to chapter 4!


thanks, Im looking forward to it then :)


I'm so excited! This comic of yours is one of my new favorites 😊 It's definitely got its hooks in me!

Fox Face

By the way, I forgot to mention in my original comment: I love the detail of the 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' on the bathroom table. These images are definitely well selected to tease!


So has witchy 3 already dropped?

Fox Face

Keen to see it! Any idea on the ETA?


I don't want to make any promises, but I'd be surprised if it took longer than Wednesday.

Fox Face

Well, if the preview images are anything to go by, it'll be well worth the wait!


Detective Batson continues... So glad to see that