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Hey, everyone! Sorry about the weird month but I found it far easier to just frontload all of my art, so I'm spending the last week just writing.

Up first is this update to Fates & Fantasies. Always fun to get back into this story and see where you guys take it, so I hope you enjoy the new pages.

You can read the full thing here or by downloading the attached PDF files (which I forgot to attach the first time. OOPS!).

Up next is a fun Sentai Smut update which I will begin writing tomorrow and will hopefully have before the month ends (why is February so short!?).

Cheers and enjoy!
- Kara




Hmm...obviously foul magicks afoot! Meradar, having just experienced one magic mishap, isn't going to want to rush into this one! With the big mammaries the goblin females have (who are almost certainly the missing people), we can use Quintus as bait. Quintus can use enlarge on his/her own bosom, attract the goblins, and Meradar can use the bow & arrows to snipe them until they catch on, before going berserker on them!

Thomas Hargrove

The best tactic may be stealth and vigilance. Keep watch over the goblins, try to find out what's going on. Then, when the time is right, we'll know exactly how to deal with the goblins. If they have some secret weapon or kill them and it turns out the females are the missing hunters, that would be pretty tricky.


AWWW! No! It failed. But thank you so much for using my idea for this round, it was so good to see it. Also, a really great chapter. I can't wait for the next part :D


My idea would be for the next round is similar to JohnnyOrc's idea, but Quintus would not use the growth spell on herself, because it could affect her combat abilities, and who knows if the goblins would be even distracted by her apperance at all. Maybe they just attack her right on. So, Meradar asks Quintus if she could use the previously mentioned growth spell on one of the female goblins breasts to make them even bigger to distract the male goblins, While that happens Meradar would use the bow to snipe the goblins from behind, and when they notice what happens and rush toward him, Quintus would use the fire spell to burn the rest when they're got far enough from the female goblins.


ohh i think he changed more and more in a sexy bimbo elf girl

Jeroen van den Broek

Sentai Smut hype! Not that this isn't great too of course, I just have a soft spot for Sentai Smut. 😄

Stormfries (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-26 03:56:04 Imagine that power rangers in sexy bimbos🤤no one is spared
2022-02-25 17:35:43 Imagine that power rangers in dark sexy bimbos transformed 🤤no one is spared

Imagine that power rangers in dark sexy bimbos transformed 🤤no one is spared


status update on Sentai?