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We're back with another update to everyone's favorite erotic TTRPG comic game (because I think it's probably the only one...?)

I didn't include the die roll this time because I had someone else roll one for me...
[it was a 7]
So, with that knowledge, enjoy!

You can read the full thing here, or by downloading the attached PDF file.

I'll be back at the end of the month with an update to Dan's Distortion. :)

Cheers and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with next!

- Kara



Douglas C. Fowler

If this is the suggestion response area: He casts a cloaking spell and eludes the dragon. He then stays out of sight as he tries to follow which way is the dragon's lair for intel. on what he must battle eventually.


I would say that he should look in town for anyone who was able to help him (maybe a hunter who didn't die in the goblin attack), and try to convince them to help him drive out the goblins. Regardless of whom is available however, he should attempt to scout out where they are to determine how big a threat they are before deciding to engage them.


If you're talking about the how to play image, that's just an example. You'll need to go to the end of either the link or the PDF to see where you need to make the choice.


Go over and deal with the goblins, what else could go wrong? Mwahaha


He IS a mage... He should try to resolve the issue quickly, by finding and joining the hunting party. His magic can make a valuable addition and help resolve the goblin issue faster.


Since he feels a bit hungry not eating for a whole day, he might wait for the dinner time and have something to eat in the tavern. Accepting the goblin quest immediately seems a bit bold, he needs time to think about this things. And not to mention, some adventurers might come for dinner, it might also be a good chance for him to get more information about the goblin's issue. Also, The mainly concern now is not the goblin but the mark. Check for the info about the other way to reach the Newtham Harbor, if possible.


Very nice turn of events. I like where the story is going :)


yerahh next chapter


Apologies if I confused you. The comic is getting too big to post individual images here. :(


With a spreading mark, waiting is not an option I feel. Between trying the road ourselves, and the threat of Goblins if we do, I say we instead try and go out into the wild, trying to join forces with the hunters as a first priority, since we do not have much experience being out there on our own, and dealing with the Goblins all alone might be trouble given we don't have any super powerful magic.