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Welcome to the continent of Lustinmorn! 

It's time to play Fates & Fantasies. The comic-game where you play the main character! 

What do you do following the events of this story so far?

If you're unsure of how to play along, please reference the second-to-last page of the comic. This page will be included in every update to help newcomers join in with ease. My dice are ready and I can't wait to see what you all have in store. 

You only have about a week to share your ideas and vote on your favorites, while I finish up the next major update. So please, don't be shy. No matter what you throw at me, I'm sure I can make something fun happen with it.  

You can read the full thing here, in my MEGA folder, or by downloading the attached PDF file.  

Also, if you wish to simply comment on this post with feedback (which I encourage! I love hearing what you liked/disliked), feel free to do that as well. I'm pretty confident that I will be able to separate feedback from ideas.

Also, you're welcome to share multiple ideas. Just try not to be too spammy. 

Cheers and I can't wait to see what you all come up with! May the dice be in your favor. 

- Kara




He goes to check on his master making sure hes either alright or dead, then investigates the brand by trying to understand it


Damage control mode: Priority 1 is the fire. In a mage's tower build of wood where fire spells are slung, there must be some safety equipment around. If that is not available, attempt to reverse the Fire Bolt spell and make it unsummon the burns. Priority 2 is the master. First Aid as best as possible, again using magic healing items if available. Get external help if possible or needed, at a town or something. Priority 3 is the magic mark. It is a demons brand, it needs to be properly treated. Again, local clerigy may help. Priority 4 is dealing with the demon's escape. Folks should be notified, so proper people might start the hunt for her. Edit: Ray has a better version of this. Please vote for them if you think this is good.


Retrieve Magister and the spell book, get them to safety in the hall. Return to fight the fires. If successful, then tend to Magister's broken forearm and investigate marking. If unsuccessful, flee the tower with Magister and the spell book. Investigate the marking when you have time.


Master has at least one broken arm. Retrieve the spell book ASAP, trusting the magister to pick himself off the ground. Can't risk those decades of magical knowledge being lost to the fire! Lacking any spells to put out the fire, and without indoor plumbing to supply water to the top level, best option is to get to your room, get your gear, and get out of the tower. Then use the book to see if there's any research regarding the mark on you.

Bal tha mele

Use Wild Magic to attempt to heal the Master!!


Due to low health and the newfound brand coupled with a good bit of shock, I would think that he would simply collapse to the ground and begin to fumble with the mark before realizing the importance and knowledge of the currently burning book. He would retrieve the spellbook and try to save his master before searching for anything to put out the fire. If a reasonable resource cannot be found, he should grab anything of in his room and flee with the Magister

Thomas Hargrove

Priority one is saving as much of the tower's contents from the flames. Attempt to put out the fire, and if that fails save as much as he can.


Continuing to give an evil path you check your former master's body for loot the same with the tower before it goes up in flames


Leave immediately. Grab supplies from my room as I go!