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Hey, everyone.

I know this month has been rather disappointing. I haven't released anything yet and my communication about it hasn't been great, I haven't really had anything noteworthy to communicate that I haven't already. But I wanted to take a moment and share where I am and what this is.

I set up tiers when I did this because, honestly, I was just following common formats when this began. I'd love for those tiers to mean something though and I'm trying to figure that out. But I never wanted this to be a strictly transactional relationship. The whole glamour of this thing was I could make my stories and art and people could help support it by offsetting the incredible costs of the hobby and give me a little cushion to set aside time to work on it more.

I can't always promise constant deliveries of this stuff, but I am consistently working on something. I'd share if that weren't the case. I'm still very passionate about what I'm making, but it does take a lot of time to make. I don't think I can change to delivering an unfinished product, it's just not something I can comfortably do. So I'm going to continue working through things and delivering them when I'm satisfied with each one.

I was very into the Batson story, but the Patreon changes and not being able to share them on TGComics right now kinda stopped that for the moment. I need to make sure I'm not going to lose everything because of how I'm presenting that story, so I'm reevaluating that. I began my Fiona story as well and I was also working on the next chapter of that, but I switched into something else and now I'm kinda kicking myself in the butt for doing that, because it set my release windows back further.

Constantly creating new stories and new characters is challenging at times, especially when I'm also making the art for it (the characters, the scenes, etc...) But this current story is so great IMO. I was struck with a muse. It's so rare, years after doing this, to feel like I'm doing something new, at least for me, and I'm running with this story til completion. I may not have it out tonight or tomorrow, but it's getting close to passing my quality check so I can deliver it to all of you.

In the meantime, I'm sorry if you don't feel value in supporting my art, or if you're invested in a story that I haven't worked on lately. Vegas Heat is something I do want to do, but I don't know how to proceed with. IDK if Sentai will work on Patreon anymore because of some of the themes it was about to reach, so I likely have to steer that in a different direction, and Witchy...

Witchy is something I passionately want to complete, but I want to do it right, and creating fulfilling conclusions is super hard for me. I've missed the mark on so many comics with conclusions (Roommate from Hell, for example), and I'm afraid of doing that with this story as well. It's been so dear to me and I'm trying to find satisfaction before I release that.

If you're not finding the value in supporting me, you don't have to. As much as I appreciate it, I don't want anyone to feel like I'm not living up to expectations I never meant to set. I do really appreciate your support so much. I couldn't do any of this without it. I'd probably have just stopped entirely if it weren't for this wonderful site.

But, please, don't get angry at me for not creating fast enough. I'm trying my best to put my heart and love into every scene and every character I make, I'm never going to stop doing that for the sake of quantity. I'm so sorry if I've disappointed you, but know that I am constantly working on something. It's literally my only hobby outside of maintaining a home and family, or watching some TV before bed.

For everyone else, thank you again for allowing me to create these big stories where I can share my art and characters with the world. I have a lot of really great stuff in the pipeline (multiple different comics at this point), but they're just not ready for sharing yet. I know you'll love this latest one, but I can't share anything without spoiling the fun.

Cheers and thank you for reading.
<3 Kara



There is no hurry, just take your time. But I have to say, I think the process of change and the image of the protagonist in (The Girl in the Globe) are fascinating. It would be a shame not to update again. If you don't have inspiration, can you try to change the original plot? The protagonist changes from a couple living together to a classic pair of good brothers. It would be fun if it went on instead of ending it:)


I suddenly found that the comic had been over for almost a year and a half. I've been following your comics for years, but I only recently used this software. Until now, I found that you have updated many super high-quality comics, and most of the characters are very suitable for me. If you can continue the plot of that comic, I will be grateful. It doesn't matter if it doesn't;) Come on,kara


Is there to be a return to Dans distortion? I was glad to see a post this week but was hoping to get back to that one


Yeah, that one's on the radar for sure. It's likely going to be something I do alongside Batson after I wrap up witchy.