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Older AU---But also modern AU bc smartphones lmao. I feel like Damian would eventually lose his tsundereness to go full I'M PROUD OF MY GIRLFRIEND ANYA FORGER---Yes.




SHES THE CUTEST!!!!YES!!!! YOURE SO RIGHR ACJCJSCSV i also feel like he willt urn full simp later when hes accepted his love acjskcdv WAHH I LOVE THIS SM RUSKY♡♡♡♡ (AND THAT LOID LMFAOOOOTHAT SIDE EYE IM CRY) edit: i forgot to add how beautiful you drew damians eyelashes..i was really looking forward to them achacjsvkjksvk


His so whipped lmao a lost cause 😭😭🤙🏽 Also Loid in the back lmao Also really thankful you drew Damian eyelashes 😭🙏🏽


IT'S JUST THAT VIBE HE GIVES ME WITH HIS ROSE COLORED VISION LMAO and how in fact, he's actually really sweet hehuahsuahsaj they're so cute LMAO u also mentioned his eyelashes


Lmao I love that detail on his design tbh couldn't forget the eyelashes