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It was too cold outside, and Levy had an idea to get warm ;)
I hope you like the exclusive of this month ♥ 

Thank you for your support~ \0/




I do like the fact that it seems like even it was Levy’s idea, Gajeel dominates 🌚


Levy is enjoying herself 😏💕 but she'll get to be on top later huehuehue.


Oh my, oh my ~! So hot and heavy, mmmm love it. Going to be getting too hot in there before they know it. Good thing Lily isn't there to endure having to see lol, poor guy As always great anatomy and the lighting is wonderful. Gah, I always love these two and they way you portray them is amazing~! Lovely work, RBoz :D


Thank you always for your long and appreciative commentary, it always makes me smile ☺️❤️