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So newer Patreons have been wondering how to get their hands on animations that they've missed so I came up with a solution. Patreon records how much funding you've given to a creator since you've signed up, it's called a "Lifetime" total. If you are  a Patron of mine, and your life time total is $50 or higher, you get access to the full library of previous Candy Girl animations! I see this as a good way to reward loyal Patrons who've stuck with me for a while and are bummed that they missed getting certain animations. If you've given over $50 in donations, just shoot me a message with what animations you want and I'll hook you up :) This does not extend to trading cards however. I would like some things to stay exclusive, y'know?



We need to be around for 10+ months on the $5 and... 25 months (2 years) on the $2 pledge?! ._. That's a little daunting to some people, I would imagine.


You're missing the fact that he creates two animations a month, so you pay twice a month.

Acting Casual

I'm happy with what I'm getting. I'm sure I will get the old stuff eventually.


Ah so I have to wait 5 months to see your old things? No thanks. Peace out.


Would I be able to get a list of all the animations or just a link to em all? I've been following your stuff since you've started way before Patreon. Unless you were always on it 0.o I would just like to have all your work on here and other websites you've had. Keep up the good work! I just wanna support and check out all you've done man :D