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Hey guys, first I want to apologize about no updates in a while and no polls.

For context, I got into an accident and have basically been bed-ridden and recovering the past few weeks. I'm finally in a state where I can get back into things.

There should be an update tomorrow with some image sets + requests.

Now, for what happens next.

For the time being, I will be discontinuing the big cat tier, and changing requests to an "open slots occasionally" type of deal. More details soon.

As for requests, if you were charged for your 2nd month in a row already for big cat tier, please message me and I will add your request to the list. If you have yet to have your request fulfilled, and you have unsuscribed, message me so I can send a link to the folder for your request when it is fulfilled. I would like to ensure you get it regardless of if you remain subscribed or not.

Starting at the first week of June, I will hold the monthly polls again, to make up for the lack of polls in May I will increase the winners of the polls to the top 4 of each poll.

Once again, I thank you for your patience and I am sorry for everyone who has been waiting so long! But rest assured I'm not dead! Restructuring of things soon though. So stay tuned!
Discord server is still happening though. Soon tm

Edit: moving the previews into a separate post, gomen



Oof. No worries dude, health always comes first! So take all the time ya need!