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Hello everyone! Let me start by thanking you all for your support thus far. It means the world that you are enjoying the SEGGS I deliver to you.

Lately I have found that linking requests to the Happy Cat tier has caused me to have so many requests that it is hard to keep up in addition to generating image sets that I want to generate. Therefore, next month I am thinking of changing the tiers in the following way:
>Limiting number of patrons that can join the request tier to an amount that is more manageable.
>adding a new tier, either the same price as Happy Cat or a bit lower ($7.50 USD) which gives access to T2 image sets and can make suggestions for polls

>potentially considering increasing price of Happy Cat tier and limiting number of patrons subscibed to this tier

I have noticed in my metrics that a large portion of Happy Cat subscribers have not made requests, which is why I am considering adding the limit and changing tiers like this.

This is not set in stone, however, and is subject to change. I am open to feedback from you all on how you think I should continue.

For now, I am going to finish the remaining requests left for this month before I decide on the next course of action.

Much love!

-Sad Cat


Jill Marsblast

Does this mean that if I want to make a request, I will need to spend more money than I do now?🤔


I likely won't increase it from where it is now. Was just a thought. More likely I will keep the request tier the same price and add a new tier for those that just wish to have access to T2 content without making requests