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Hey! Since it's been almost 3 months since I did the last AMA and there are so many new faces around here, let's go for another one ;)



Are you open for commissions?


Not at the moment. Keeping up with the comic and all patreon's content takes away all the time I can affort to spend into this. If I ever get some time to do some commissions I would let you know, guys. Anyways, thank you so much for the interest, It means a lot!


Model question.. but who is your favorite model currently in the 100s, 200s, 300s, 400s and even maybe 500+ weight ranges. Lot's of lovely ladies out there, so maybe your closest one to "Favorite" Cheers.


This is such an interesting question! In the 100s would be Candii Kayn (although, she is about to hit 200lbs any day now), her gaining journey has been the most exciting thing I remember in this community for so long. Honorable mention to Softshortnsweet, that girl is fire. In the 200s Couchqueen is a huge favourite. But since she has been stuck at the same weight for very long now, I kinda lost a bit of interest. So, I'm gonna say Tianastummy. In the 300s the winner is AlyssBonython, hands down. Honorable mention to BigCutie Skylar and Lilmamakay! They are so hot too. Over 400s... Mmm that's difficult since I think I don't follow any model that goes over 400 lbs (I don't usually like them that big irl). If I have to say one I would go for the legend FoxxyRoxxie.


What has been your favorite story to illustrate to-date?


Mmm this is a difficult one. The plus size store will probable become my fav project to the date, since it's gonna be the longest and the one in which I'm putting more time and energy. In terms of collaborations... mmm... I think that Paul's Dilemma was very satisfaying because I love so much the story that Polaris wrote, so It was amazing to illustrate it and give life to such incredible characters.

Sam the BT

Has your fetish changed or evolved as you create content for it and if so, how?


Mmm Let's see, it's a difficult one. I wouldn't say my fetish has change much over the years, at least in real life. I still love girls with curves from fit-curvy to bbw range. However, that range is wider when it comes to drawings and illustrations. I can get turned on by a drawing of a +500 lbs girl, while, irl, that wouldn't happen. I guess that in art you can do "suspension of disbelief so that helps. Hope this answer your question ^^


Do you have a favourite OC to draw?