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Before voting in the poll below, ear me out, please!

So, since I launched patreon and I've been dedicating more time to drawing, I've been toying with the idea of starting a WG comic. It could be amazing, right? Comics are more engaging than standalone illustrations and it's a great way to portrait a story, as some of my favourited artist have done in the past or are currently doing (Kastemel, BWS, Kipteitei, Magmaman, etc).

However, comics take a lot of time. Much more time than a regular illustration. And that's why I'm a bit insecure about starting one. Even if I dedicate the same time as now (or even more) to drawing for you guys, the amount updates here would decrease per month, as create each comic page would take the time of many single illustrations. I'm afraid that if I start a comic, the updates wouldn't be enough to satisfied you and I would lose many patrons (which obviously I don't). 

Yesterday, the good Monkfish asked me about the possibility of a comic on the AMA. I explained him this and he made a good point. Why not bring it up to you and let you decide about it?

To be more specific with the two options ahead:

Option 1. Keep things as they are.

Option 2. Starting a comic. If I start a comic there will be less updates. I will be focus on the comic and the ongoing illustrated stories I'm currently working on ("The Fat Girlfriend Trap" with Polarisdreamer and "Rounding Out Rachel" with HowdyThere5). 

Please, take the time you need to think about the options and the implications of each one. Your opinion matters a lot. 




You already make such great OCs I'm excited to see where a comic could allow you to take them and your original steph comic is still my personal favorite so I'm excited to see how this unfolds