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Yesterday the deadline to participate in the writing contest that I organized at the beginning of last month closed. I must say that it has been a great disappointment for me, because the contest only had the participation of one writer. It's my fault for not having read your interests well and assuming that you would be hyped and interested in something like that. Nothing happens, I will learn from this and I will try to accomodate my patreon's initiatives better to your real interest in the future.

The winner, whose story I will publish in the next post, will receive the two promised illustrations for his story. Hope you enjoy his story and the future illustrations that will be done through this month.



Definite interest! But it takes a minute to write 5k-8k words. I tried, but only got 2-3k word of an unfinished story down. Maybe next month? Suggestion would be to make this a bi-monthly contest?


If you guys are interested, I don't have a problem with running it with more time to participate (like bi-monthly)!


Sorry, I did start something but life stuff got in the way. Would definitely finish it if you did another!


I did start, and wanted to finish, but the 5000 Minimum were kind of a barrier. But would love to participate in another one


Glad to know! I will down the minimum word count if we do it again if you guys want ;)