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The full, text only, story will be posted here tomorrow! 



The oven door opened and a woman in a white and blue dress reached two oven mitt covered hands in to grab the tray of cookies, pulling it out of the oven. MegaGal closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose of the freshly baked goods she was holding.

An arm reached around her shoulders from behind her, the hand twirling a finger in MegaGal's pearl necklace. "Are those as good as they smell?" May asked, leaning her head into MegaGal's.

MegaGal giggled, bumping May backwards with her rear. Turning around, she couldn't help but stare at May and smile. On the kitchen radio, the sweet melody of Judy Garland's 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' was playing while they looked into each other's eyes. It was perfect. Her soulmate and her living together in their own house, not a care in the world.  
May shared her feelings and reached forward, putting her hands on MegaGal's shoulders. She leaned in for a kiss and May did the same.
But something stopped them.

Both of the girls looked down to see their breasts bumping into each other, with MegaGal's chest much larger than it was a second ago, completely obscuring the tray of cookies she was holding. Her dress' buttons were straining against her flesh, as if she had barely been able to get it on in the first place.  
Before either of them could say anything, her beasts doubled in size, bursting through the buttons as the dress split open. MegaGal jumped with shock as she dropped the tray, the cookies falling haphazardly to the ground and May being pushed back even more.

"May, I..." MegaGal said, concern covering her face. She suddenly struggled to make words come out as she felt her pearl necklace tightening around her neck. Trying not to panic, she went to take her oven mitts off so she could unfasten her jewelry, but found her oven mitts were now extremely tight as well, and couldn't even get them off. With panic now clear across her face, she looked over at May, only to see that instead of being the same height, she was now a good two heads taller than the redhead.  
MegaGal winced as the necklace got even tighter before it broke apart completely, sending the pearls bouncing in every direction. The seams on her oven mitts tore as her hands out grew the small things, and her breasts doubled in size again, wobbling against her thighs.

May had backed up to the kitchen table, staring at MegaGal's giant tits. Her jaw hung open, being unable to believe what she was seeing. "What's-what's happening?"

Before MegaGal could answer, her breasts began to grow even more. They surged forward, hitting the floor, their growth causing them to slide across the tiles towards May. Pushing the table away as she backed up against the wall, she couldn't help but notice that each of MegaGal's nipples were now bigger than her head.
At this point, MegaGal's breasts now filled half the kitchen, and she had grown in height enough that her head was hitting the ceiling fan. She bit her lip hard as she felt a mix of fear and arousal, especially with her nipples pushing into the wall. May stood in a small pocket between her tits and the wall, being surrounded by flesh, a pocket that was continuing to shrink as MegaGal's boobs showed no sign of slowing their growth.

Swallowing hard, MegaGal leaned forward, reaching her hand towards May. "M-May! Grab my hand!"

The girl nodded as the cleavage closed around her. She tried her best to wade into it, trying to drag herself through the boobs like she was making her way through quicksand. She leaned forward as much as she could, touching the tips of MegaGal's fingers with her own, and MegaGal gasped as her own fingers were pushed away as her own tits had started sliding her backwards against the floor. Her red heels snapped as this happened, her feet breaking the shoes apart shortly afterwards. MegaGal could only watch helplessly as her breasts rose upwards, slowly obscuring May from view. At the same time, she absolutely hated how good it felt as it happened.
Her dress was barely a miniskirt at this point as her butt bumped against the opposite wall, and it shredded moments after as her whole body outgrew it.

"Hold on May, I... Uhhh!" MegaGal gasped as her own boobs started to push her own body against the kitchen counter. They were filling the room, and she could feel all four walls touching her sensitive skin.

"Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behin-"

The song abruptly stopped and sputtered as MegaGal's breasts cracked the device's wooden frame, the lights flickering briefly before it died. All the while, she couldn't help but stare at her girlfriend's arm wriggling, quickly disappearing into her rising cleavage.
Her muffled yells were drowned out as the walls around her started to groan at the incredible amount of pressure begging for release.

At her current height, she could feel her bare ass against the kitchen window. It had grown significantly as well, and she could feel the cracks forming in the glass against her skin. Putting her arms on the kitchen cabinets behind her, she tried her best to push herself forward into her own breasts, but it was no use. The boobs pushed her back as they filled up her view, and the glass shattered behind her.
Everything started to come undone as the house's foundations began to crack. The edges of the roof crumpled inwards as the walls were pushed to their limit, collapsing to the ground as the massive mammaries continued to swell. MegaGal covered her head as debris fell on top of her, and by the time the dust cleared, she saw her boobs were already covering the entire front lawn, stretching out onto the street. She picked pieces of wood out of her cleavage, tossing them to the side where the remains of her house lay, trying her best to reach May.

A car slammed on its brakes in surprise as the tits spread in every direction. Without warning, another car from behind them slammed into it, pushing the first car into the soft flesh. The man driving it got out in a panic as the breast quickly grew over the hood of the car, crushing the engine. He ran as the car that had hit him sped into reverse, careening with another car that hadn't stopped in time.
MegaGal couldn't see any of this, only feel the cars as her tits flattened them, but she ignored it as best as she could, trying to focus on the still struggling form she could feel deep within her cleavage. Since she was now bigger than her house had been, maybe she'd be able to reach far enough between her breasts to reach May. She shoved her arms in front of her, trying her best to pull them apart to no avail.

On the other side of her, one of her nipples plowed through a house, causing MegaGal to whimper and close her eyes at the sensitive feeling. Upon opening them, she looked at her surroundings. A massive wall of breasts continued to grow in front of her, dwarfing any of the buildings that she herself was now much bigger than. Taking a step back, she felt a tree snap like a twig beneath her as her foot slammed down...

To be continued



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