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Hey happy Halloween!

I wanted to draw up a longer sequence for my patrons due to my lack of posting lately, and this was a way for me to work through a motivation block. I have been working a few sequences in the background, it's just finding the motivation to finish those plans and draw them out has been tough for me.

So yeah! I did, and still do, intend on doing some more work with this sequence, but I started losing some steam towards the end of the linework, and I want to fix up and add some stuff so we'll see how it all pans out. Thank you all so much for the continued support!




This is glorious!

Furry Murr (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-02 02:33:46 LARGELY, HUGELY, MASSIVELY, AWESOME & EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!
2021-10-30 00:40:55 LARGELY, HUGELY, MASSIVELY, AWESOME & EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!


Travis Akin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-02 02:33:46 Oh man, just from the previews this looks amazing! But yeah, dude, I definitely understand kinda burning out toward the end of a sequence, so my thoughts are with ya on that. You've always delivered stellar work every time you post, so we're more than happy to throw some support your way! <3
2021-10-30 01:25:10 Oh man, just from the previews this looks amazing! But yeah, dude, I definitely understand kinda burning out toward the end of a sequence, so my thoughts are with ya on that. You've always delivered stellar work every time you post, so we're more than happy to throw some support your way! <3

Oh man, just from the previews this looks amazing! But yeah, dude, I definitely understand kinda burning out toward the end of a sequence, so my thoughts are with ya on that. You've always delivered stellar work every time you post, so we're more than happy to throw some support your way! <3

Matthew Chua

I really missed simple growth sequences like these~