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Hey everyone! First off sorry for the lack of updates this month, dunno whats going on health wise. I think it’s allergies? It sapped my energy pretty good so, yeah. Sorry, I would’ve liked to have kept the momentum going from last month.

And now for the main post. This is an in Memory of. Some of you might be familiar with BEgirl from Deviantart, Her and her husband joined onto the scene a few years back, and I had the pleasure of meeting them both in 2011. I kinda dropped off in contact with them when I moved out of state, which I regret, but it was good to have known them at the time. They had a kid together, and I can’t imagine a better fitting couple to be blessed in such a way than those two. They were truly in love, and it was something special to see. 

If you’re unaware, her husband John passed away in a tragic car accident last year in December, but that’s as much as I know, I dunno what day, or how it happened. I just know it’s been a year since. BEgirl has left DA, after all, he was the one to get her into it. She did it for him. 

Back when I first started talking to them, first I was chatting up her, since she was new to DA at the time, I wanted to do art trades and all that. Which eventually lead to me talking to John, he was such a cool dude, we had the mutual interest of extreme sizes haha. He went on to write up the Power Play stories, which I adored. He put that charm into writing about a relationship, which I have no doubt was inspired by his own. And then I met them, and they showed me around town, since I was new there. We had a generally good time. I regret being so closed off in person, I must’ve came off as such a dick, the truth was I was homesick, and scared. I didn’t know how to react to meeting someone who was into this secretive internet life. But that didn’t stop him from being open with me, which at the time I didn’t fully understand. You see, he was the one who got her into all this initially, she didn’t have a full grasp on all of it yet, which is fine of course. But the thing to take away from it was is that mutual understanding that John and I had, he dropped the walls immediately, and treated me like family. 

Through his kindness he taught me something I think is important, and that we, in this community have a similar interest, be it taboo to the rest of the world, we here in this family have a mutual understanding to one another. And in a world that would try to beat you down for not really making a choice in what you love or find interesting, that’s something really special. It might be tough at times, and we may not all get along with one another, but there lies the truth in community, we can understand each other on a level most others can’t. 

Thanks John, I miss you buddy. Best wishes to your family, they all loved you.

In memory of John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkLvpt9Z3fA one of his favorite tunes

So yeah, thanks for reading through, I know it’s a sad thing to talk about around this time of year, but I just wanted to share that story.  I hope you all are having a great holiday, if you celebrate it or not. And that 2017 was good for you. Here’s to 2018, take care everyone!



I think this is a perfect time for such a story, thanks for sharing. Happy holiday to you too!