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Hey, just wanted to share a little mockup cover art for a comic idea.

The story itself would be about this lady, who was once a secret agent, with special abilities, and is now targeting key government locations around the world and making them disappear. by disappear, I mean she eats them. Her goal is to destabilize the world powers, and claim the title for herself. 

So the first part would be her, say targeting the Pentagon, following her as she infiltrates the building, and begins to eat it from the inside out. And she escapes the wreckage, being able to contain all the mass, and shrink back down to a normal size. Later using that mass to crush her way through obstacles, and eat even more. And this continues as she hops across the globe, upping her game each time. 

 Maybe she gets the worlds governments to completely crumble, getting some apocalyptic visuals going. maybe she even gains a cult following! 

So yeah, just a fun thought. This is literally all there is of it right now. Maybe I'll get to make something of it, someday. 



Kyle Nimmo

You should do this!


honestly at this point i think a lot of folks would welcome it. yesterday half of twitter was cheering for the yellowstone supervolcano...


anyway, if it's got expansion & mega/giga gts, I'm on board. as a super-agent, do you imagine her having an "augmented" appearance, like one of Alt's characters?


How about a rogue North Korean rival, or a Russian one!


lol yeah, it is on the darker side of the fetish. but if i ever do get to a story like this, I'm sure I would try to give it dorky/silliness here and there.

Scott Fine

Sounds amazing. Maybe she's a scarlet Johansson type.