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A Quick collab story between Symbiobro and I! We had fun making it, and I hope you enjoy c:


A huge head of black hair breached the waves as MegaGal rose up, throwing her head back and wiping the water from her visor. 
"Well, I saw the emergence point down there, but no sign of the bogey," the giantess said, treading water as she floated in place. This storm location had been in the middle of the ocean, and they had found the rupture in the bottom of the sea floor where the monster had exploded out of the ground, but they were still on the search. 

"Just keep looking," Rook spoke into her visor's earpiece, tapping his fingers on his console. "It can't have gone far in this timeframe." 

"At least we don't need to worry about it hurting anyone out there in the middle of nowhere." Leslie added. 

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" MegaGal replied with a slight frown as she noticed a large shipping vessel floating a ways off. 

The team eyed the display which showed what MegaGal was seeing on her visor. "They shouldn't be out here right now, can you tell them-" Amie began to say. 

"Already on it." MegaGal said, cutting her off as she began a light swim. Despite them being a considerable distance out, it didn't take long to get to them considering she was hundreds of feet tall. 
She made sure to slow down as she neared them, didn't want the waves tossing the ship too much. "Hey there guys!" MegaGal said with a wave as she floated beside the vessel, looking down on it. The crew gathered on the deck, looking up at her huge face looming before them. "I'm gonna need you guys to go back to shore for the time being, just for your own safety. 

MegaGal was so busy trying to listen to the sailor's voices as they shouted up at her that she didn't realize a large dark shape had moved beneath her. A dorsal fin cut through the surface a ways behind her and some of the crew began shouting as it sped towards the giantess, but by the time she made out they were saying, it was too late. 
A giant shark woman jumped out of the water, biting into MegaGal's shoulder as it wrapped an arm around her neck. Yanking her backwards before she could react, the kaiju girl swiftly pulled MegaGal underwater with a massive splash that rocked the boat back and forth. 

As the giant pair sank down to the ocean floor, MegaGal slammed her head backwards, headbutting the shark girl, causing her to release her jaws and loosen her grip. MegaGal spun around in place and got a grip on the girl, kicking her legs behind her until they sank down into the sand and rocks of the sea floor, letting MegaGal pin her there. But the shark girl refused to give up, thrashing in her grip, kicking up sand all around them, until she was finally able to wriggle free, quickly disappearing into the murky waters. 

MegaGal squinted in the darkness as she scanned her surroundings, her visor barely being enough light to see anything, especially with how much loose sand was floating around her. 

A woosh went past MegaGal, and she turned as quickly as she could, but there was nothing there. Another one went past her and she missed it yet again. The giantess dug her feet into the sand and smirked. If the kaiju wanted to hide so badly, then maybe MegaGal would just have to get bigger and get her hands on her. There's always a bigger fish, right? 
But just as MegaGal relaxed herself and felt her body begin to slowly stretch out, the shark girl suddenly careened straight towards her out of a cloud of sand, maw full of teeth shining as her dark eyes flashed against the reflection of the visor, her claws stretching out towards her. 

It was so unexpected that MegaGal opened her mouth to gasp, and her concentration on her growth was completely interrupted, causing her to immediately grow out of control. Water flooded into her mouth with her gasp as her body immediately exploded through the water, her head smashing through the surface, causing massive waves to splash against the sea. A huge ripping sound came from her clothes as the sudden growth was too much even for them, her one piece suddenly turning into a two piece as it tore in half, tightly hugging her breasts and hips, her midriff now completely exposed. 

Normally MegaGal would be pouting about ripping one of her outfits, but currently her attention was occupied by the large shark tail that was wriggling between her lips. She could feel the rest of the kaiju's body struggling inside her mouth, and slowly began to squirt salt water out of her mouth before opening her lips and sticking out her tongue.  
Lifting a hand up to her chin, MegaGal waited for the girl to slide off into her palm, but that never happened. Even bobbing her head to make her fall down didn't seem to do anything, the girl was stuck fast. The shark girl seemed very disoriented and tried to slip away, but her coarse skin was causing her to be stuck against MegaGal's giant tongue. MegaGal groaned and lightly pinched the girl's tail, tugging carefully as it pulled on her tongue, before the shark girl finally detached, and MegaGal gently wrapped her hand around the kaiju. 

"Well that's one way to capture a kaiju I suppose." Amie said with a smirk as she watched the display. 
"I doubt the cargo ship was expecting this much excitement out on the high seas. They doin ok?" Indie asked. 

MegaGal looked over to the cargo ship that she now completely dwarfed. It was barely bigger than one of her fingers at this point, but other than the deck being completely soaked with water from the splashing waves, it was no worse for wear. They were certainly getting a bit of a show with how much underboob MegaGal was showing in her ripped top, her zipper hanging on with what was left of her suit. 

MegaGal chuckled to herself a bit sheepishly, finding the whole situation somewhat amusing. "Don't suppose I could keep her, could I?" MegaGal asked, rubbing the shark girl's wet hair with her thumb. 

"Sure, we'll get right on getting you a giant fishbowl for your room." Penny joked. 

MegaGal laughed at the mental image as she began the walk back to shore, adjusting her suit from the massive wedgie it was giving her as her huge ass bounced with each huge step. 



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