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Happy New Years guys!

We're kicking off 2024 with an extended preview of A-Block: Death Wish.

There's enough here to give a basic idea of the plot, and nice look at the erotica.

The sex for this project is high energy. Miss Hazard and Sam are insatiable dommy mommies. But this is exactly the type of thing Aldo is into.

If he’s gonna die, he wants to go out with nothing left in the tank!

Story: Gid Sama | Art: Gatsu

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Fingers cross I can pull of some amazing panel work atleast 1/10th as good as thissss


Lock me up! Put me on death row! Maximum security! I know what imma order for my wish!


I love SEX! It’s FUN! It’s WILD!

Jose Castaneda

Nice, beautiful doujin as usual 👌


I mean you see how bad your gf is that's like handing her over on a silver platter


I’m willing to bet that when he gets executed, it’s all staged and he actually gets turned into their personal fuck pet with no chance of escape.