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Haiiii you guiiiiiiise (≧∇≦)/

life update - Soz am a lil' late on the Feburary month update - been really hectic around the house lately so have been getting my feet under me again. After a lull in work while updating my desk setup, also had a domestic incident occur between some family members. Still in the process of navigating that unfortunately. I've lived with a schizophrenic and an alcoholic for years and sometimes things get bad, tbh. Lately it's been difficult to really sit down and focus at home tho, so a lot of ideas are sketched on an iPad on the go or in bed at night. Basically, there's lots more WIPs for Feburary than I had expected. This hopefully won't be the case for long - I do expect to have a lot more fleshed out works in March. It's just hard to finish things rn due to the nature of my workspace at home.

I do intend to dedicate some more time to expanding the scope of this Patreon, since honestly it could use some tender love and care. I want to give you all the best that I can deliver. I'd really like to start doing more animations for you, since I've got so many stories in my mind that fit that medium. I love drawing the horny - it's very fulfilling for me to come up with wacky sexxo scenarios. I hope I can capture the feeling of fascination that I have with nsfw, and share it with you all too :3 Thank you for your patience with me, I do really hope to bring you the good-good™ moving forward.

tl;dr - me draw the sex in bad conditions, but it still sex so me hope is okay.. me color the sex soon too. me love u lots.

o yea also forgot to mention that these little models are gonna be an attempted collab between me an my friend fizzeru. we wanna try getting into 3D printing our own little blindbox figures. never done 3d before, so it could be a while before anything happens.. but is just a fun little project, and will try to keep u all posted with results :3

kisssesssss mwwwwwwwwwwah .。・:*:・(✿◕3◕)❤(◕ε◕✿)・:*:・。

kthxbaiiiiii 。+.。☆゚:;。+゚ ☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..゙((ε(*⌒▽⌒)†


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