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Hey guys, I've got a few things underway at the moment, and just thought I'd share this to fill you in. 

I've been taking both anatomy and figure drawing courses for the past few months, and I'm trying to apply more of what I've learned to all my works. I've also been studying and experimenting with different ways to interpret appeal, form, etc. in my own work. Ultimately, this will make me a better artist, which means higher quality pieces for you!

I have also been working more on longer projects, like animations and a comic. Progress on these things takes time, and a lot of this work isn't always in the most 'shareable' state.  I've been learning a lot about comics, and since this is the first time I've made one, progress on it is particularly slow. However! Things are approaching a head. I was hesitant to show progress of pages that haven't been super polished, but I think it'd be nice to let you all see what I've been plugging away at. It is all still a work in progress, so pls no booli :3

I can't thank you guys enough for showing your support. Know that I am extremely humbled and very grateful for each of you. You guys have helped give me something to strive toward. As I continue trying to improve my art, I hope to also deliver more content for you all to enjoy. 

Have a good week!


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