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Hey guys! I've been working on the comic, and it's coming together bit by bit. I'm excited to share the full  thing with you, (though that may be a while off yet!)

I'm plugging away at November's poll winner, the Juri Han loop, so expect to see that complete in a day or two. I'm still trying to strike a balance between managing single pinup pictures, and larger projects like comics/animation. It's difficult, but I think I'm finding my footing. Additionally, my schedule is clear again, so I can really focus more on producing content for you all.

I have also curated a few more ideas for original comics, and possibly some animated shorts that I hope to explore and release in 2021. I'm in the process of writing and planning for these projects, and I'm hopeful for the future!

Lastly, I will be releasing December's poll vote this Friday, so keep your eyes peeled! Thanks everyone :)



I've just been informed we're switching Internet Service Providers, so if I go dark for a bit in about a week's time... Pray for me LOL. I'll do my best to grind out and schedule some pinups in preparation for a worst-case scenario. Didn't want to leave you guys out to dry without an explanation. Thanks for your understanding!