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Hello everyone, starting with the 1st of February 2023, I'm going to be updating my Patreon tiers in order to attract more potential patrons. They are as follows:

1$ a month:
Gives people 1 week early access to new videos without any ads, as well as their name in the credits. I can understand if this is disappointing to those that currently pay 3$ to get that, but please read the other tiers first.

2$ a month:
Same as the previous tier, but they also get to vote on new videos. I've previously done this sparingly on Youtube, now it will be Patreon-exclusive. This gives supporters much bigger control over the content they'd like to see.

3$ a month:
Previously the full package, this time it still gives access to the previous tiers' content, but also displays the name in flashing rainbow colors.
Not just that, but supporters of this tier will even get access to exclusive content, in the form of sneak peeks at new videos, unused or cut content, as well as concept art for thumbnails.
If you want the most bang for your buck, this is basically still it.

5$ a month:
A new tier, since it had been requested. This doesn't give you anything except the ability to pick the color for your name to be displayed in the credits (I didn't want to put it so low because it's too hard to keep track of everyone's colors otherwise).
This tier is literally just for people who wish to support even more, I just felt it was necessary to justify it a little.

But these are the new tiers. Should you have any problem with them, you're free to change your tier or remove it until February, which is why I told you ahead of time. These tiers are also not 100% final, I might update them slightly until then, this is just a guideline.

Thank you for reading and supporting me, and I hope to still see you here next month!



New tier system looking good!