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The Address

"Good denizens of this world, we have come to deliver you an apology. This destruction, this chaos, it was not our intention. This scar that links our worlds was created by mistake. It has nothing to do with you, you were not at fault. We will make efforts to mend the damage that we have caused, but know that we can guarantee neither prompt success nor permanence. 
Please standby for more information..."

Gods, before the destruction of the Victor's Hour, were only the theories of religious scholars and philosophers. Churches and temples existed the world-over, with millions of faithful to fill their seats on holy days. Pantheons of deities rose and fell throughout history, leaving countless mortal prayers unanswered. 

For the first time, the divine stepped into the view of the mundane. The gods revealed themselves, and demonstrated their might by bringing the worldly disasters to an end. Finally the world's storms calmed. The seas receded, the droughts broke, and the quakes rocked gently to a close. In the uneasy silence which followed, Aavana knelt in awe of their resplendent saviors. New faiths emerged overnight. The people embraced their new pantheon.

Aarus the Steady, Prince of Heaven

Steadfast and sure-of-heart, wielding a mace of light that outshines the sun. He is the guardian of the daylight hours, who watches each corner of the world with his most discerning gaze.

Xota the Sure Blade, Dancer on the Horizon

A master of blade arts, with cunning wit sharp enough to be sheathed in the same scabbard. Her skills with sword and dagger are emulated worldwide by showmen and assassins alike. She rises as Aarus retires, keeping vigil over the dark of night.

Ulbran the Weaver, Needle's Eye - Needle's Fang

A genius mind, now put to the task of mending the wounds caused by the Victor's Hour. Through his magics, the terrible trauma caused to Aavana may eventually heal, but for the time being the work is arduous and exhaustive. It is said that during his translation from the divine realm to the material one, some of the water from his basin-head spilled onto the world, gifting magic to mere mortals.

Ipnir the Kind, Melody of Words

The gentle and mild messenger of the divine, who brings the word of her sibling-gods to the Aavan faithful. Her song-like voice is a salve to the worries of anyone who hears her speak, and gazing at one's own reflection in her mirror-face is said to grant complete peace to the viewer.

Sinos the Berzerk, Sire of Revelry

A god of martial prowess whose ferocity in battle was unmatched even by the Sure Blade, for finesse could not dominate raw passion and flame. If battle was an art form, they were the undisputed master painter, and each war they touched became a masterpiece. The only thing greater than their talent for combat was their lust for the banquets that would follow victory.

The Present Situation

Sinos has gone rogue, leaving the realm of Heaven to walk the mortal plane in disguise. With no explanation for their sudden departure, attempts were made by the other gods and their followers to locate their walkabout sibling. Nothing is known of their current location or intent, but it seems aberrations of form are born to the Aavan people, bearing their likeness and blessings. Whatever Sinos is up to, the other gods do not trust it.

Ipnir has dealt with the growing complexity of worldly nations, and decreed the founding of the Empire of Dawn to bring the world back into peaceful order. Her sudden kidnapping by an enemy state of the Empire has resulted in the swift political radicalization, and the world now prepares for its first international war.

Ulbran has been consumed by his work mending the two ruptured planes, but his hands have not been quick enough to staunch the bleeding. Despite best efforts, demons from the other side of the veil have flooded into Aavana. These ethereal beings cause living hosts to mutate beyond recognition, until they are rendered immobile by their new forms. Because of this mutative effect they have on organic hosts, most demons prefer to house themselves in inanimate, inorganic objects. Hauntings become widely common.

Xota, in Ipnir's absence and Sinos's abandonment, has taken on the role of orator and warrior for the divine. She advises the militant elements of the Empire of Dawn, and lends her knowledge and skill to their cause. In the face of a demon infestation, she has created dragons, whose sole purpose is to sniff out and secure possessed people and objects for stowing in a hoard.

Aarus has found himself as the chief deity of the pantheon, presiding over his siblings as a gold skinned prince. The Emperors of Dawn are hand-selected by him, and carry out their lives as his faithful devotees. In the face of the demon infestation, he has created giants, whose sole purpose is to guard the hoards of possessed people and objects from further tampering by mortal kind.




They are, each of them, beautiful.


Even the gods themselves are 'human'. I like it a lot.