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Aavana is a fantasy setting with an apocalyptic history that was designed as a fun place for me to build furry characters with plot and narrative. The aesthetics fall somewhere in the middle of "modern" and "medieval", with a cataclysmic event having been responsible for driving a technologically advancing world-state back to conditions closer resembling the feudal ages. It's the dark ages with vague WWII era style callbacks, with oodles of forgotten technology getting rediscovered by people born hundreds of years after that world ended.

The project deals with non-erotic world building, but the less sexy bones are there to help prop up the meat of smut content, to provide a scaffold for the fun. Who doesn't like a little story to go with their porn, ey?

We got governments, we got social factions, we got gods and wars and political strife, and we do of course have sluts involved in all of those! The world's people are diverse in species and form, and I even built Creation Tables to flash-build characters for the place, which I have played with a lot over the years!

I plan to maybe get you guys involved with these character-making tables as a fun little project this spring. More lore to follow 😌

Fun Fact: Spile Worms are native to this setting as a very common species of fauna!




You had me at "worldbuilding"


I understand the furry world would feature avian races, but would there be room for mammal or reptile types?


Yes! And that extends to cetacean and euselan species as well~ whales (and porpoises) and sharks! ^^