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In mid-November, this Patreon will have been up and running for a whole calendar year!

I want to take this moment to thank each of my patrons, both current and now moved-on, for their contributions toward this page. I had no expectations when I decided to give this a shot, and the reception you've all shown me has been both inspiring and comforting! 

Creating art and plying my skills is something that brings me so much joy, and thanks to all of you I can do that with just a little more confidence and fire than I had before. Thank you for being here, for cheering me on, for loving my work, and being your beautiful selves! Even though some of you may not still be my Patrons by next October, what you have given me thus far has been a massive help. I appreciate the time and money you've spent on this page. You've been a muse and a motivator, and I cannot express my gratitude enough!!

In 2024, I'll be moving out of my current living situation and hopefully into a slightly greener pasture. With more personal space and a better creative environment, I hope the coming year will bring with it new opportunities for more expansive, more engaging projects! For those of you who plan to stick with me through another year, I'm hoping to have loads more fun ✨


For those who observe, October is the month of vampiric revelry in the Vampire: The Masquerade circles. This is a super fun TTRPG where you play dumbass vampires with your friends and get into all sorts of bullshit together. I myself have been playing in these games for several years now! I love them! 

"Vamptober" is a month-long drawing challenge that I've participated in for these last few years and I plan to participate again this year! During the month of October, I'll be taking a halfway hiatus to focus on this pursuit, but worry not! The page will continue updating every Monday throughout October with little treats just for you lovelies! Some of you who've been present in my streams have seen the pre-emptive work I'm doing on a few fun Halloween-y character pieces I'll be sticking up 😉

Of course if anyone wants to follow my human vampire-based and erotic (but likely not straight-up pornographic) Vamptober content, I'll provide a link to my art blog on Tumblr where all of my efforts will make appearances!

Things that will still happen in October

- I'll be resuming Commissions work and trying to carve down my waiting list!

- Our Monthly Sybarite Raffle!

- Weekly Art Streams!

Basically the hiatus entails that I won't be trying to open any new Patron Projects this month.


All good things do eventually come to an end! 

The final polls for this project will be posted later this evening, and the project itself will conclude formally at the end of September! It's likely I'll keep playing through to the end of Willikins's game on my own time (and I do absolutely wanna draw whatever Final Form he ends up with at the End Game moment) but I want to make sure the activity on this Page remains fresh and entertaining!

Willikins is definitely part of my heart and soul now, so expect to see him featured in future art and projects!

This experimental project was incredibly fun to run with you folks, so we should all reasonably expect another similar Patron-Powered Playthrough in the future, maybe even soon next year! 

I hope that you all have a good week, I look forward to our next adventure together!



As long as I'm able to, I'm glad to. I wish I had better things to say, but being the artist you are with the interests you have, I'm honored to see anything of the sort become realized.


you're seriously too kind, thank you so so much 💙💙💙