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A long long time ago I was consumed by a personal project that involved taking several characters through batshit wild CoC playthroughs, which I then illustrated the results of! 

I was always going to do this again, but wouldn't it be fun to make this a community effort? They do say it takes a village...

Satyr and Sybarite Patrons will get the chance to help build an absolute monster through in-game options!

More information to follow!




Awesome! I love CoC, will be looking forward to this!


Totally, I remember all the way back when it was Unnamed Transformation Game and Xadera was doing Nimin

CorruptedChampionStories (edited)

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2023-08-07 23:10:12 OHHHH CoC!?! hell yeah!! this is totally my favorite subject of all time <3 <3 and my favorite game of all time as well!! ^w^ oh btw! did you know there were fan-modded versions of CoC1 on e621 that included some sexy original content as well as trying to finish some stuff Fenoxo left off in the last known official update to CoC? including a version that restored an almost-complete option to bimbofy Jojo the monk! been on a solo-journey to find as much CoC-related stuff that i can as well as commission the fanart i never could back when i was playing it, and when it was being actively updated <3 <3
2023-07-27 01:20:00 OHHHH CoC!?! hell yeah!! this is totally my favorite subject of all time <3 <3 and my favorite game of all time as well!! ^w^ oh btw! did you know there were fan-modded versions of CoC1 on e621 that included some sexy original content as well as trying to finish some stuff Fenoxo left off in the last known official update to CoC? including a version that restored an almost-complete option to bimbofy Jojo the monk! been on a solo-journey to find as much CoC-related stuff that i can as well as commission the fanart i never could back when i was playing it, and when it was being actively updated <3 <3

OHHHH CoC!?! hell yeah!! this is totally my favorite subject of all time <3 <3 and my favorite game of all time as well!! ^w^ oh btw! did you know there were fan-modded versions of CoC1 on e621 that included some sexy original content as well as trying to finish some stuff Fenoxo left off in the last known official update to CoC? including a version that restored an almost-complete option to bimbofy Jojo the monk! been on a solo-journey to find as much CoC-related stuff that i can as well as commission the fanart i never could back when i was playing it, and when it was being actively updated <3 <3

CorruptedChampionStories (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 14:35:35 https://e621.net/posts/2004666?q=corruption_of_champions this is just one example, dunno if this will run in-browser for anyone since Flash was terminated, but i always play CoC offline using a desktop Flash Player and it works pretty well! i like this one in particular because the option to bimbofy Jojo that i mentioned earlier is in it hehe ~ &lt;3 searching Corruption of Champions in e621's Search and clicking on anything that is a Flash link will usually get you a Modded version of CoC, or different versions of a mod for it as you go back in time! oh also, i have a Dropbox zip file with versions of CoC1 that i've saved along with a copy of the offline application i use to run them, including the last non-modded version that i know about. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2h0u2o1pq6t44msyxkohq/Flash-player-and-CoC-original-and-modded-versions.zip?rlkey=kt3xcuuiksm7i9359k2vf75h0&dl=0 ...yeah im a junkie for everything CoC-related hehe ~ &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 and i like to share &lt;3 i did spend literally years playing that little game from back when it was Unnamed Text Game just like the first comment above too! ^w^
2023-07-28 01:15:41 https://e621.net/posts/2004666?q=corruption_of_champions this is just one example, dunno if this will run in-browser for anyone since Flash was terminated, but i always play CoC offline using a desktop Flash Player and it works pretty well! i like this one in particular because the option to bimbofy Jojo that i mentioned earlier is in it hehe ~ <3 searching Corruption of Champions in e621's Search and clicking on anything that is a Flash link will usually get you a Modded version of CoC, or different versions of a mod for it as you go back in time! oh also, i have a Dropbox zip file with versions of CoC1 that i've saved along with a copy of the offline application i use to run them, including the last non-modded version that i know about. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2h0u2o1pq6t44msyxkohq/Flash-player-and-CoC-original-and-modded-versions.zip?rlkey=kt3xcuuiksm7i9359k2vf75h0&dl=0 ...yeah im a junkie for everything CoC-related hehe ~ <3 <3 <3 and i like to share <3 i did spend literally years playing that little game from back when it was Unnamed Text Game just like the first comment above too! ^w^

https://e621.net/posts/2004666?q=corruption_of_champions this is just one example, dunno if this will run in-browser for anyone since Flash was terminated, but i always play CoC offline using a desktop Flash Player and it works pretty well! i like this one in particular because the option to bimbofy Jojo that i mentioned earlier is in it hehe ~ <3 searching Corruption of Champions in e621's Search and clicking on anything that is a Flash link will usually get you a Modded version of CoC, or different versions of a mod for it as you go back in time! oh also, i have a Dropbox zip file with versions of CoC1 that i've saved along with a copy of the offline application i use to run them, including the last non-modded version that i know about. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2h0u2o1pq6t44msyxkohq/Flash-player-and-CoC-original-and-modded-versions.zip?rlkey=kt3xcuuiksm7i9359k2vf75h0&dl=0 ...yeah im a junkie for everything CoC-related hehe ~ <3 <3 <3 and i like to share <3 i did spend literally years playing that little game from back when it was Unnamed Text Game just like the first comment above too! ^w^