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March HP Survey

  • FILFy Teacher – character interaction, world building, politics, romance, a bit of comedy, family time, Old People Paying for their hubris 219
  • Bhaalson Remodel - character interaction, world building, adventure, romance, combat, comedy, Harry and company cleaning up around Beregost 70
  • Fate Touched in Middle Earth - character interaction, comedy, romance, world building, Dis getting a smack before agreements are made 139
  • 2024-03-01
  • 428 votes
{'title': 'March HP Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'FILFy Teacher – character interaction, world building, politics, romance, a bit of comedy, family time, Old People Paying for their hubris', 'votes': 219}, {'text': 'Bhaalson Remodel - character interaction, world building, adventure, romance, combat, comedy, Harry and company cleaning up around Beregost', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Fate Touched in Middle Earth - character interaction, comedy, romance, world building, Dis getting a smack before agreements are made', 'votes': 139}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 1, 19, 55, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 428}


And here is the HP Only Poll for March.

A brief warning: Because Ranma got two updates in February, the HP Only Poll will be the last of the three main priorities this month. Thus, this poll will last longer but I will only start story on the winner of it after the winner of the Ranma poll is finished.

FILFy Teacher – HP/DxD crossover: A exceptionally angry Rias, after talking herself out of just blasting the place with Power of Destruction, leads what could be called a minor invasion of the headquarters of the ICW. There, a large group of old men are made to realize that no, they are not very powerful at all. Meanwhile, Harry finally wakes up on the Island along with Asia. While whole of body Asia is still wounded of spirit and soul, a fact Harry tries to do his best to help her with before the pair step through to Egypt. There, Harry is informed of all that has happened, and decides that Rias can handle the grumpy old men, doing what he can to win hearts and minds as Asia does the same just by being herself. Dates are planned before Harry steps through to play ‘moderately angry cop’ to Rias’s ‘homicidal with righteous wrath’ cop. A shaky agreement is hammered into being, reparations are paid, and Harry and Rias move on to their next meeting back in Egypt. There, a deal is offered, oaths of various types given, and plans to make a conference already planned much, much larger. And elsewhere, forces of chaos and evil are on the move not just on Earth, but in Hell as well…

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover: A quick trip to the Temple of Lathander to see if the talkative and arrogant chicken can become human once more turns into a minor quest to remove a growing evil to the northeast of Beregost. This casual jaunt through the woods reveals more about the Shadow Druids, Edwin’s fellow Red Wizards, and something possibly game changing about how Harry’s skills can synergize with one another, specifically, his ability to gather materials, and his cooking skills. A trip back to Beregost is followed by a trip to the local wonderful wizard. A certain chicken gets his comeuppance before Edwin proves that even the highly intelligent can be idiots. Viconia is approached about her growing relationship with Harry who is faced with a ‘intervention’ by Dynaheir. Tasloi are squished, and a temperamental goblin is dealt with before the party begins to truly rearm themselves thanks to their ankheg sales. Winter snows begins to shut town and road down, before a true threat to both party and Beregost arrives: a horde of hundreds strong hobgoblins working with a band of strange adventurers with orders to destroy the town and claim a certain map and dagger in Harry’s possession. Harry however proves once and for all that he is a Gryffindor, because when faced with insurmountable odds, he comes up with a daring plan. When in doubt, attack…

A Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Harry learns the hard way that xenophobic tendencies are much the same regardless of race.  Legolas’s presence proves both shield and sword against disproving elven parents and busybody dwarf alike as he informs all and sundry he is displeased, and Thorin makes his sister understand the difference between dwarven social custom and human/elven custom. While Tauriel is forced to continue trying to convince her parents to at least leave if not give her their blessing, Thorin makes political hay to the dismay of the newly-arrived Stiffbeards. Thorin and Harry talk projects and women, Harry and Balin talk contracts, and Harry and Tauriel move into their home by the Long Lake. The Stewards of Gondor start a National Project, Sauron whispers in the dark unseen, and Harry begins to teach and to learn from the Dwarven Rune Masters while the Stiffbeards try to make amends. Years pass with both sides learning much, with Erebor and even Dale becoming known far and wide as a place to start a new life. Erebor changes as Dis formalizes the understanding between Thorin and Ani, while dwarven lights abound and permanent work is made on the crystal funnels providing light to the underground farms. Tauriel is made a gift, and decides it is a sign that it is time she and Harry head north.


Jamie Coady

Wish i could play it but well all those things are not accessible for the blind. There really is so many games i wish i could play but well lol!


Are you able to convert my stories to audio easily enough now that I post the pdf versions? I know word has a read aloud function too - I actually like it's female voice LOL - but if you want me to try another file type I can see if I can. Just don't ask me to read it myself LOL. That would probably take too long for it to be viable for me unless I record myself as I use Dragon Naturally speaking. Which would be kind of cringy on many levels.

Christian E. Y.

I wonder what would happen if Rias opens a portal to let the AK curse in through it and out behind the head of whoever casted it to begin with. I mean, the HP spells always looked like they had slow-enough flight speed that she should be able to react to them.