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March Patron Only Survey

  • Making Waves – comedy, dragon style parent-child talks, warfare, action, some romance, baby related shenanigans. 68
  • King of champions – comedy, character interaction, drama, deep discussions, action, romance, espionage, Harry and Ozpin dueling with words. 162
  • Climbing Together - Romance, martial arts, comedy, character interaction, Mai, Shampoo and Ranma doing the martial artist version of tourism 62
  • Heroes of the high seas - world building, character interaction, romance, comedy, combat, Trump Pirates getting Trumped 83
  • 2024-02-23
  • 375 votes
{'title': 'March Patron Only Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'Making Waves – comedy, dragon style parent-child talks, warfare, action, some romance, baby related shenanigans. ', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'King of champions – comedy, character interaction, drama, deep discussions, action, romance, espionage, Harry and Ozpin dueling with words.', 'votes': 162}, {'text': 'Climbing Together - Romance, martial arts, comedy, character interaction, Mai, Shampoo and Ranma doing the martial artist version of tourism', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Heroes of the high seas - world building, character interaction, romance, comedy, combat, Trump Pirates getting Trumped', 'votes': 83}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 23, 18, 23, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 375}


And here is the March Patron Only Poll.

Making Waves – Ranma/Fairy Tail crossover: As Ranma and Jenny were having ‘fun’ scouting, Natsu and Gajeel get to have a series of very weird conversations, learning secrets about themselves and where their parents have been hiding. They deal with this in typical fashion for both, but come out of it all the better. Elsewhere, a certain redhead curses both Ranma and general biology, lamenting that babies are uninteresting as the rest of Fairy Tail realize that no, despite being a great stern big sister type, Erza does not do mothering well. Back in the Blasted Lands, the adventurers go to war with the Draconids, with Gajeel and their new friend pushing straight north, while the others go out wide before bringing all the attention of Mother Glare and her creatures down upon them. Natsu and Gajeel team up together to deal with Mother Glare, while Ranma and his ladies battle the near-dragons, and Ranma shows off some more of his training in a dramatic fashion. War comes to Alvarez as well, with Acnologia, slaying his first two Spriggan. This forces the Empire to realize that maybe, just maybe, they need to start asking for help, even from their former enemies…

King of Champions – HP/RWBY crossover:  A meeting of two very different types of wizards occur, as Oz, armed with what he sees as facts and knowledge of the world before Remnant tries to figure out both Harry’s long term goals, his powers, and the strings needed to bring Harry into his inner circle. Harry in turn decides to muddy the waters a bit, and analyze Ozpin in turn, coming away with a opinion about Ozpin just as jaundiced as Oz’s own opinion on the general trustworthiness of humanity. Harry leaves unhappy while Ozpin stays, confused and very wary now, wondering if Harry is indeed a unwitting pawn of Salem because he cannot recognize truth that is beyond his world view. Elsewhere, drama has occurred within Team RWBY despite Harry and everyone else’s best efforts. This leads RWBY, Ren and Nora into a small adventure before Harry returns, unaware of what is going on, and calling a certain someone, which may or may not cause issues because other people are listening in, both in Atlas and elsewhere. The next day plans are made and a date derailed to Arturia’s displeasure, which she shares with everyone possible, resulting in an very interesting meeting.

Climbing together – Ranma/Street Fighter/King of Fighters crossover: With Terry and Andy gone, Ranma, Mai and Shampoo stay some time at the dojo for a bit, while Ranma starts to fully incorporate his rope dart into his style and Shampoo gets to know her spiritual side as Mai gets over her recent breakup. Meanwhile, Nodoka has a minor mental breakdown and Genma realizes that karma might be real. A trip to the beach helps Mai, followed by the trio leaving Japan behind, heading to Hong Kong. There, Ranma surprisingly makes a friend, Mai gains a admirer (not surprisingly), and Shampoo accidentally starts a fight. This leads to her becoming a actress, causing both jealousy and her being targeted by the local criminals. A few fights later and a introduction to her former opponent follows, while the trio accidentally get in the way of a sting operation, make a new acquaintance, and learn about the underground fight scene in Hong Kong. A plan is hatched, and the trio enter their first tournament together, while Mai faces a revelation.

Heroes of the High Seas – MHA/One Piece Crossover: Hearing of an island oppressed, the heroes in training (and their two supporters) cannot stop themselves from getting involved. After a bit of a debate and a decision to hide some of their skills (Cough, Momo’s abilities) Izuku makes a plan to use the cover of night to get past the giant artillery gun. But their new ‘friends’ prove somewhat untrustworthy, having their own plans going forward, which have more to do with theft than freeing people. The island is found, and the various traps overcome through the power of sound and ice prior to reaching the top of Clockwork Island, whose people are indeed oppressed by the Trump Pirates. This time the heroes have a harder time of it against a prepared enemy with a lot of noncombatants around, forcing Mei, Momo and Shoto onto the defensive as Bear King proves a threat almost on a All Might scale, with the outcome very much in doubt as their two toughest fighters are stymied, forcing Iida and the others step up.

Yes, both Making Waves and King of Champions is back, since they were both updated in January. If I am able to get to a fourth story this month, I will choose between MW or FILFy. They are the two stories closest to completion. But again, that is not set in stone, as I mentioned in the Ranma survey result post.

This poll will last to the 3rd folks!! The sooner I can to work on it, the better. And Heroes will both get my votes and the carry over effect. If it cannot win in March with both of those things going for it, even when against an HP fic, then it truly deserves to be abandoned for a while… Sad face.


shaun shultz

lets try to finish the making waves story