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January2024 HP Survey

  • Magic of the Force – combat, character interaction, space warfare, Padme dealing with a pair of subtle admirers, war, heroism and tragedy. 103
  • FILFy Teacher – character interaction, world building, politics, romance, a bit of comedy, family time, Old People Paying for their hubris 150
  • Fate Touched in Middle Earth - character interaction, comedy, action, romance, world building, Harry having fun with fire in various ways 135
  • 2024-01-03
  • —2024-01-16
  • 388 votes
{'title': 'January2024 HP Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'Magic of the Force – combat, character interaction, space warfare, Padme dealing with a pair of subtle admirers, war, heroism and tragedy.', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'FILFy Teacher – character interaction, world building, politics, romance, a bit of comedy, family time, Old People Paying for their hubris', 'votes': 150}, {'text': 'Fate Touched in Middle Earth - character interaction, comedy, action, romance, world building, Harry having fun with fire in various ways', 'votes': 135}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 16, 2, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 3, 2, 36, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 388}


And here is the HP poll for January! The choices are:

Magic of the Force – HP/SW crossover: The Tyrant’s Bane races to Thyferra to try and stave off a atrocity on the galactic scale, not knowing that the attack has already begun. Padme and her escorts deal with political machinations of the ruling families and growing descent among the locals, before Anakin’s luck proves equal to a Potter’s in finding trouble. Said trouble comes in the form of commando droids, who do damage to the local defenses, and then comes the other side of the equation. The defense force does its best, while screams for aid are shouted through the Hypercom, to go unheard. Anakin proves once and for all that he is a master at piloting, but one starfighter cannot turn a battle this size, and soon, the CIS forces are in orbit… Only for help to arrive unlooked for. The Force once more proves a great equalizer as the bombardment is halted on the verge of victory, and a new battle begins between a giant, and a herd of wolves, who, much to the chagrin of Harry and company, prove that even without enough data to understand what they are seeing, the CIS are no fools, and no depths to which they will not stoop under Darth Dominus.

FILFy Teacher – HP/DxD crossover: A exceptionally angry Rias, after talking herself out of just blasting the place with Power of Destruction, leads what could be called a minor invasion of the headquarters of the ICW. There, a large group of old men are made to realize that no, they are not very powerful at all. Meanwhile, Harry finally wakes up on the Island along with Asia. While whole of body Asia is still wounded of spirit and soul, a fact Harry tries to do his best to help her with before the pair step through to Egypt. There, Harry is informed of all that has happened, and decides that Rias can handle the grumpy old men, doing what he can to win hearts and minds as Asia does the same just by being herself. Dates are planned before Harry steps through to play ‘moderately angry cop’ to Rias’s ‘homicidal with righteous wrath’ cop. A shaky agreement is hammered into being, reparations are paid, and Harry and Rias move on to their next meeting back in Egypt. There, a deal is offered, oaths of various types given, and plans to make a conference already planned much, much larger. And elsewhere, forces of chaos and evil are on the move not just on Earth, but in Hell as well…

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Harry and Tauriel get to know Gimli and his troop, becoming surprised that such a young dwarf is indeed the leader of the group, telling Gimli where they have been and learning about what has been going on in Erebor. Gimli quickly proves to be similar to Fili and Kili in a way, becoming fast friends with both lovers, and the two of them join the patrol for a time, dealing with one more goblin den, finding a thing of horror within. Arriving in Erebor several days later, Harry and Thorin renew their acquaintance in a way that is ‘most dwarfish’, before Harry and Tauriel spend time in Erebor. Harry starts to learn from and teach the Dwarven Rune Masters, with revelations on both sides while Tauriel and Dis discuss food, farming and insults, discussions which both king and wizard join in enthusiastically. Politics and personal compatibility are both discussed as Dis searches for a wife for each of her male residents, to the horror of her sons an d chagrin of a certain antisocial group of dwarves. Work on their house has continued, and Harry and Tauriel move in, only to be astonished at the first group of visitors they get, letting Harry meet his in-laws. After several months of dancing on eggshells, however, news comes from the northwest, and Thorin decides it is time for Erebor to reach out and axe someone. Harry and Tauriel, now bedecked in new armor, join the expedition, intending to head further north, while elsewhere, evil bides its time in various forms.

I mentioned it before in the Ranma, and I will do the same here. I will be taking part in this one. I don’t know who I will vote for, but I would like to see at least one sci-fi story updated this month… But then again, if Fate wins, I might push for a fourth fic this month. Hmm.. We will have to see. I was almost able to do it last month, but I don’t know if that’s sustainable. Regardless, this fic will end on the 15th.


Aaron Orr

I throw all the weight that is too late to lose behind Fate Touched both here and on fanfiction.net on the Author's page poll.

Bryan Brown

My vote isn't working either


This is a weird problem. I have not done anything on my end at all to block anyone, so if you can see the poll and post, you should be able to vote. I... I have no idea. I will add a question about this when I pot the results of this poll. Is it only this one poll? Have you tried to vote on the other polls this month?