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Hey all. Now is time to wrap up the December Patron only poll… Let us see if someone bar the favored team wins…


Not going to even bother with a buildup folks, LOL. In first place is Death’s Avenger, with 1,823.

In second place, gaining 587 from the carry over effect, is King of Champions with a total of 1,599. CLOSE. But no.

With a total of only a 1,017, is Making Waves. WOW. That might be it’s worst showing ever. I noticed that a about eight patrons who normally vote for Ranma left this past month (among fifteen), but I didn’t expect to see such a harsh impact already.

And obviously, despite my 400 votes, Heroes of the High Seas came last, with a total of 952.

This has me kind of worried and annoyed. Annoyed because Heroesdid so poorly, but I will keep voting for it going forward. It has three month to win guys, or else… That, and I might post it over on fanfic for the December gift to my fans. That might bring in some new voters going forward. Then again, I will also be working on cross posting to A03, ugh.

Beyond that, as I mentioned when I posted it, Tomon hasn’t gotten the last DA chapter back. Not only that, but he is also one of my two Stallioneditors, and it is getting the carryover effect for the first time ever. Which means it’s going to win hands down. We have tried before to work on two chapters a month, it doesn’t go well. So I might be asking for help with one or the other once he and I have a chance to talk. Still, these are the results, guys. Hope you’re staying well, and be on the lookout in the next few moments for the Ranma and HP polls!



Honestly, I'm of the opinion that as much as our votes should matter, since we're patreons and all that jazz, if the muse is screaming too loudly about writing a chapter for a specific story, you should go for it every now and then! Love your work (hell, been following you since the days of Wild Wolf) and the last thing I want is you get burned out 'cause you aren't writing the stories *you* want to write.

Daniel Neil

I have to say that I was very tempted to vote for Heroes myself. However, I've been getting back into Warcraft lore lately. While trying, desperately, to avoid getting sucked back into WoW.


i kind of agree with this. i would not be opposed to changing the schedule from 1 HP 1 Ranma 1 Patreon to 1 authors choice 1 HP/ranma 1 Patreon or something like that