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November Patron Only Poll 2023

  • King of Champions: comedy, drama, character interaction, combat, a somber event interrupted 101
  • Climbing together: ecchi humor, character interaction, romance, martial arts, combat, family issues, Mai making a fateful decision 85
  • Death\u2019s Avenger: world building, action, exploration, comedy, magic, Harry getting to know people, for good or ill 156
  • 2023-11-02
  • —2023-11-18
  • 342 votes
{'title': 'November Patron Only Poll 2023', 'choices': [{'text': 'King of Champions: comedy, drama, character interaction, combat, a somber event interrupted', 'votes': 101}, {'text': 'Climbing together: ecchi humor, character interaction, romance, martial arts, combat, family issues, Mai making a fateful decision', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Death\\u2019s Avenger: world building, action, exploration, comedy, magic, Harry getting to know people, for good or ill', 'votes': 156}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 18, 23, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 2, 21, 56, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 342}


Hey, guys and girls. And here is the Patron Only poll. This one will go to the 18th. It will be my last priority this month, and remember I warned you all that if FILFy won the poll, I might need to cut down the size of the winner of this poll to episode (10,000-15,000) words rather than the full length… Don’t ask me how that would work, as I rarely have any idea how long a single scene will go before I get to writing it. My outlines help, but combat and dialogue are both tough to estimate.

Anyway, the choices are:

King of Champions – HP/RWBY crossover: Harry and the others learn firsthand why they were catapulted into a forest for their initiation. After landing in Mountain Glenn, the group under Arturia spreads out, scouting then dispatching Grimm at need while everyone sees signs of the previous occupants. Once a basecamp is established more exploration occurs, with several revelations occurring one after another. The Grimm become aware of their presence, and a siege begins. This siege does not going according to the script as the Grimm are seemingly more intelligent and determined than they should be, revealing the existence of an S-class Grimm. A hunt commences as the line is held, but only with difficulty. Eventually however the time has passed, and the Hunters retreat. Back in Vale, downtime is had of all sorts, but just as Blake comes through for Harry, an argument threatens to split RWBY apart, only for said argument to be stomped on in a somewhat hilarious manner before Harry is called in to speak with the Wonderful Wizard. A conversation occurs that goes in places neither would have liked, while Ozpin plans, and Harry ruminates. All the while, Salem moves in the shadows, gathering information and power to deal with the new strength in her foes.

Climbing Together – Ranma/King of Fighter/Street Fighter crossover: Ranma and Shampoo bond with the Bogard brothers in true martial artist style, finding the toughest fight they’ve had since meeting one another. The battle is interrupted without a clear winner as Mai arrives dragging her perverted uncle to his just punishment. Tension abounds between Mai and Andy, with Shampoo and, surprisingly, Natsume adding fuel to the fire while Ranma, Kurumi, Soun and Terry trying to stay out of it until some unwelcome newcomers arrive. It turns out that Nodoka did know where the Tendo dojo was. Drama, dramatics, and Genma make for a unwelcome interruption to their time at the Shiranui dojo. Mai and Andy have a discussion (argument) and Mai gives out an ultimatum, which is answered in no uncertain terms.  Natsume and Kurumi win the spot of dual heiresses in a match refereed by Nodoka and interrupted by Genma. This thankfully removes many of the interlopers, but also a lot of the distractions, forcing Both Andy and Mai to make some announcements that effect Ranma and Shampoo’s plans going forward.

Death’s Avenger – HP/WoW crossover: Harry gets to know the Unseen Path, and vice versa. Sylina and Harry take a few oaths, whereupon Harry is introduced to another new brand of local magic, is told of a missing relic, and deals with a returned Tricksy. Some bits of training occur, as Harry gets a good deal of geographic knowledge pounded into his head and Sylina protests about history lessons. Gleeful that the Unseen Path believe in hands-on learning, the pair are then sent out with a more experienced Seeker to hunt down the harpies, discovering a bit more about harpies and traveling in the mountains than Sylina ever wished to, while she and Harry flirt, much to the shock and horror of their older teacher. Deciding to follow up on some of that information, the pair agree to go on over the protests of their elder. Harry soon finds himself face to shin with a Dark Magic worshipping tribe of locals, and he and Sylina decide that no, this should not be allowed, and go about removing the issue.

Yes, folks, DA is on here because it was supposed to be out back in September.  Climbing Together will get the carry over effect, and… I might vote for it too. Unless either Fate or Bhaalson have a chance to beat out FILFy. It might be early, but I am getting a bit concerned about my time at the end of the month and elsewhere during November.



it's like having a buffet with pizza and burgers and fried chicken, but i can only choose one. so i'll choose my favorite even though i want to see them all updated.


been awhile for climbing