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Here’s the Ranma only poll for November like I said I’d post a few days ago. Sorry this is getting out so much later than I wanted, but I literally forgot I hadn’t finished it. I had started, but forgot to add in the choices and post it, having had to stop and head out for an RL event.

Anyway, here are the choices. This poll will last until the fourth, so I can get a jump on the winner. I won’t be able to work much during Thanksgiving or the weekend there, (Family thing) and I will need to get most of the monthly stories finished and out to you all before then.

The choices are:

Gods, Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My– Ranma/DxD crossover:  Ranma’s hopes to finally stop going to school is given a shot in the arm by a early morning visitor. Meanwhile, Shampoo is dealing with her own visitor in the form of her grandmother. A Grandmother who is none to pleased with her. Mousse on the other hand is dealing with some actual positive reinforcement in various forms, forcing him to ask himself some hard questions. Meanwhile, Ranma remembers his little run-in at the shore, and informs Rias, Sona, and several others much to their chagrin. Asia’s new residence is discovered by someone with a vested interest in her, who starts to make plans to claim the young nun, unaware of the new power structure being put in place in Kuoh. Freed of her duties in Kuoh, Rias joins Ranma and Saeko on a trip to Hakata, with a stopover on the way courtesy of Rika.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece crossover: A clash of the worlds strongest begins in the Calm belt around Impel Down, the surprise of Whitebeard’s arrival giving his fleet a major advantage at first. The nature of the Calm Belt however comes into play, as does fighting in the ocean at all, making trouble for all sides. Tsuyu confronts Hina, quickly proving that there’s more to the old woman than most would think, while Sengoku enacts a series of desperate gambles thought up at the last moment to give the marines more fighting power. Whitebeard soon finds himself facing not only Sengoku, but also someone he did not expect, while Mihawk and the rest of the strongest fighters start to make their presences felt despite fighting on the ocean. Aokiji attempts to leave behind Ace, only to run into Luffy, who has a score to settle. Doffy and his people score a few swift victories before Ace decides to get involved. Ever planning Blackbeard makes a break for the prison, while treachery weakens Whitebeard’s fleet for a moment.  Lightning crashes and the ocean is shattered as the battle continues, the outcome distinctly in doubt…

As usual, since Effect was just updated, it did not show up on this poll.  GDWHOM will be the recipient of the carry over effect this time. 

I will also be posting the normal December present polls sometime next week. That way I can get started on them even faster than the winner of this poll once December begins.





GDWHOM all the way


Stallion just had to big a cliffhanger...