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A somber Saturday evening to everyone.  I am certain most of you are already aware, but HAMAS has decided to once more show itself for the cowardly scum they are by attacking Israel in the largest attack seen in at least a decade or more.  While I haven't made a big deal about it, I have not hidden the fact I am Jewish, and this hits close to home for me. I have family who have been to Israel and was planning to go myself this spring.  

I am aware Israel is not perfect. I am aware the two state system was screwy.  But this kind of violence, kidnapping women and children, targeting civilians, is without reason.  And I hope that all of you join me in sending thoughts and prayers to the brave men fighting against this senseless violence.

All that had to be said.  Now, let us move on to far less important, but equally far more appealing topics.  And as always when I post a poll result, I give a sitrep.  

Tomon is still looking over Death's Avenger  but I am certain he will e able to get it back to me in a few days. I also have finished Heroes of the High Seas, despite it being 18,000 words more than expected.  This includes rewriting the teaser I put out, so those of you who read that will probably want to reread it after I post it.  Which will happen after Tomon sees it.

Which means that it is time to end the HP poll, so I can get to work on the winner as quickly as possible.

The results were:

In last place thanks to it not getting the carry over effect this time and a poor showing of only 11 votes from fanfic, is Bhaalson Remodel with only 918.  Ouch, but not unforeseen.

In second place bringing in 57 votes from fanfic, and a total of 2,357 votes, is FILFy Teacher.  

Which means that, with the carryover effect of  1,250 and 85 votes from fanfic, the winner is Magic of the Force with 3,201 total votes!!

I didn't even have to vote for it, which means, as I promised I would, I will be throwing my votes behind whichever Ranma fic looks to have a chance of winning the patron only poll.  

Stay safe, and have a nice night guys.


Aaron Orr

Next round I'll put my votes behind Bhaalson Remodel followed by FILFY and then Fate Touched. No reason we can't rotate through the stories once a month.


Filfy #1 then Fate at #2 for me. Not a fan of Remodel. Couldn't get into it even after giving it a try for 4 chapters.


It's a crazy world out there. I wish your family in Israel the best of luck.


Not family, but friends. Members have been there before. They aren't there now, thankfully. This is all going to keep getting worse for a while until the hostages are released. And I don't see Hamas releasing them at all, so the conflict will continue.