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Howdy All! So, I need a bit of a break from HP and seriousness. That FILFy chapter was damned depressing, even if I had a lot of fun with the lime scenes in KoC. So My first priority this month will be the Ranma only fic. Which means this poll, unfortunately, is going to be one of the faster ones this month. It will only go to the 7th. Sorry, but I do kind of need to know who the winner is LOL… not that Aheh, I won’t have a good idea going into it which will win.

So, because I updated all of these recently, there won’t be a carryover effect for a bit. The carryover will only restart in December, since by that point a story will have had a chance to win twice. That is, winning once, being removed from the poll, then coming back and wining again.

Remember this is a weighted poll!!! I have seen a lot of people signing up in the past few months so I figure this bears broadcasting just this one time. All polls are weighted, that is four votes per dollar donated, unless otherwise announced.

I also want to remind folks of the member post page. If you want you can reach me there or start a broader discussion. I just took a few minutes this morning to respond there to several posts, and you will start to see a broader response to one of them later today.  And if you want to try your hand at creating a title image for a fic, I am more than happy to look it over and give you 25 votes for trying and a hundred if I decide to adopt it.

With that out of the way, here are the poll choices for the Ranma story this month.

Effect of a Horse and a Dragon – Ranma/Mass Effect crossover: Ranma continues to have fun with the Krogan as Herb and Samara are taken to be interviewed by the Queen of Omega. Finding her a bore, Herb does what he does best, that is acting haughty and arrogant enough to piss off a nun. Aria is not a nun, but her choice of response proves to be problematic, since Herb and Samara are unwilling to be threatened or coerced. Meanwhile, Shepard and his group have done a bit of ground work (hacking) and learn of events going on. John Shepard decides to aim big, and sends Garrus off to meet Ranma, while the rest of his team, and their mech companions move to join the war going on at the center of Aria’s strip club. Ranma meets Garrus, Garrus meets a Krogan’s fist, as several of Aria’s people push the BAD button, resulting in Ranma deciding playtime is over.  And into this chaos, Tela Vasir arrives to add still more chaos.

Stallion of the Line – Ranma/One Piece Crossover:  Ranma leads the breakout, making his own elevator to do it. Behind him, Poison meets fist, as Garp toys with his opponent, asking him some very pointed questions about some very secret things Magellan’s supposed to keep secret. Ranma runs into Magellans’ Second in command, who proves durable and persistent, if nothing else. Meanwhile, outside, chaos rolls in with the fog, as Robin and the rest of the crew use a certain large dinosaur and his beautiful companion to give them cover. Cover that Robin uses in a particularly violent fashion, horrifying Nami and making Eve cackle. Chaos is the name of the game both within the prison and in marine headquarters who scramble to reply while the prisoners scramble to try and take advantage of things, only for Ranma to prove that, pirate or no, he has standards. But the marines response is faster than Ranma or his group could have expected, involving forces they could not foresee. A battle on the ocean begins, interrupted by both revelations and a third party arriving in style.

Gods, Devils and Wild Horses, Oh My – Ranma/DxD crossover:  Ranma’s hopes to finally stop going to school is given a shot in the arm by a early morning visitor. Meanwhile, Shampoo is dealing with her own visitor in the form of her grandmother. A Grandmother who is none to pleased with her. Mousse on the other hand is dealing with some actual positive reinforcement in various forms, forcing him to ask himself some hard questions. Meanwhile, Ranma remembers his little run-in at the shore, and informs Rias, Sona, and several others much to their chagrin. Asia’s new residence is discovered by someone with a vested interest in her, who starts to make plans to claim the young nun, unaware of the new power structure being put in place in Kuoh. Freed of her duties in Kuoh, Rias joins Ranma and Saeko on a trip to Hakata, with a stopover on the way courtesy of Rika.

Here I don’t care which wins, funny that. I would be happy to work on any of them.

I will be posting the HP only poll, and the Patron Only poll in a few minutes. Remember, this one ends on the 7th. Get your votes in quick, guys! Until then, I will be working on a few patron only things and chapter 53 of ATP. Observanc03 got it back to me, but I haven’t gotten very far into the chapter yet. That man edits like a monster.



I honestly want Stallion of the Line besides the story being a pivotal point, not just in terms of the current arc but in the actual lore of the series as a whole that I want to see how things will play out. I need to know that Ace and Whitebeard will survive what is to come or at the very least that Blackbeard doesn't pull off the crap he does during the series and takes the Tremor-Tremor fruit in addition to his Yami-Yami fruit. Moreover, I want to see if Luffy will be able to convince anyone else to join under his banner when the news of this comes out and he has to be given or at least given consideration for Yonko status considering what he will do and done. Moreover, the knowledge that the Marines respond quickly leads me to believe that it could be one of the Admirals that makes an appearance and if it is I really want it to be Kizaru. As a fight between Kizaru and Luffy would be the style of fighting that fits him the best, as Luffy has never come across as being pure strength he is more about speed and technique.

Stephen Foltz jr

all my points to effect of a horse and dragon. more chaos for everyone. stallion of the line can wait one more month