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And here is the HP only fanfic poll. This will go until Climbing Together is done.

Magic of the Force -Harry Potter/SW crossover: Faced with the threats of fellow feeling and morals getting in the way of his war, Dominus reacts in the tried and tested Sith manner, pinning events on the Republic. Meanwhile, a war in the shadows of the galaxy begins in earnest as agents, counter agents, mercenaries and criminals wage war on one another for masters whose goals and identities few of them even know. Back with the large-scale war, the CIS continues to drive for Corellia, a front that quickly becomes a grinding war of back and forth space battles, with GDL planets changing hands slowly, but the CIS paying for it in blood and material. Harry and Aayla discuss things with Garm and decide to help weaken the blockade on Rendili first, trusting in their people to keep up the good fight. Before this, they have a talk with Padme, setting up a meeting in person as Padme is given a mission from the Senate, and stop an assassination. Another, far less pleasant conversation occurs, while Grievous’ campaign gains momentum. Its target becomes apparent too late, leaving only the nearby Baneable to respond for better or worse…

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/LOTR crossover: Thanks to the time in Lothlorien, Harry and Tauriel are now traveling in style, if still by foot. The changes to Harry’s physical endurance and speed become apparent as the two of them enjoy their time together despite moving through the Brown Lands. Two small skirmishes with animals and goblins occur, amounting to nothing before they turn straight north, following Harry’s magic to Thorin. Rain and weather make for strange flirting with Tauriel becoming more enthused with the human way of courtship. The River Celduin is crossed, this time in style, while Tauriel teaches Harry how to conceal himself without the use of magic. The two of them realize they made their way too far east rather dramatically, coming to the aid of dwarves under assault by a group of wild trolls at night. The dwarves prove dwarfish, alas, but are willing to trade food, before Harry and Tauriel push on, arriving within days of near-constant travel at Erebor. They do so just in time to partake in a solemn ceremony, one that no non-dwarf has ever seen. After that, plans are made, and the next trip quickly planned before Harry is roped into an exchange of information with the dwarven runesmiths.

FILFy Teacher – HP/Highschool DxD crossover: Grief and rebuilding is the priority as Egypt slowly realizes what has happened. The magicals do their part as best they can under the command of Yubelluna and Akeno as Harry and Asia recover until Rias arrives from Tir Na Nog. Rias takes over the magical side of the rebuilding and relief efforts until Asia and Harry awake, while elsewhere, the Wizarding World’s leadership reacts to what has happened in traditional fashion, and a battle for one of the very literal Hells comes to an end with severe losses on the winning side. As the would-be god and goddess realize how little they won, powers in India take note of what has occurred, as Sona and her people arrive to pitch in Egypt, followed by still more aide from the church, causing the various magicals to finally realize they are all out there. This leads to certain amounts of tension, until Harry and a certain big brother lay down the law, followed by further plans as Harry and Rias let loose the hounds in many meanings of the term.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover:  While Harry and his band cheerfully go about murdering every band of hobgoblins they can find, Edwin makes a new friend, proving that opposites sometimes do attract. Viconia and Imoen continue to do drudge work, before having a minor confrontation wherein Viconia shows her inner drowishness much to Imoen’s chagrin and dark humor. The grinding continues with their new friend, the party meeting up and splitting into new teams as days turn into weeks, and they find new ways to use Harry’s AAS system to grow in strength. It’s all smooth sailing (and some flirting) until the party is forced to face the fact that while they might have taken a step back from solving the Iron Intake Issue, that doesn’t mean their enemies have forgotten them. Yet even with that interruption, Harry still has time to sit down and decide between his two final choices, and, after learning still more about why he was here and what Twice Fated meant, he is given a Major Quest to the southeast as his Paladin Quest.

I will leave this poll alone, bar the carry over effect obviously. I am quite interested in seeing how this goes for various reasons. 



I wish I was as good as predicting lottery numbers as poll results. I distinctly remember saying this was what would happen when you put Bhaalson in with these particular fics T-T.


See my answer to lostone. That, and I am fully willing to vote for it and use the carryover effect at need. It will be updated, just not regularly.


Danm perverts preventing new chapters for magic of the force . Im gonna 😢