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Howdy all. Here is the Patron only poll for this month. As you can see, it is limited to only one choice per my normal fandoms. I know there will be a lot of groaning about this for various reasons, guys and gals, but I literally have no idea how my time this month is going to go in RL. The search for a house may be over at this point. That doesn’t mean I’m done doing shit, alas.

My goals in terms of fic time is fourfold:

1. I want to finish off ATP. It won’t be reaaaallly finished, since I will want to go back and go over the last few chapters, rearrange, add stuff and have them edited by Observanc3 and morde24 before starting to post them over on fanfic. But the story itself will be done.

2. I have around nine thousand words of the next chapter of Horse done, with another five thousand written via Dragon Naturally Speaking. Sorry Ranma fans but last month was fucking harsh. But an extra month of work can let me finish the chapter and add in the epilogue! Which will be a second story finished!!

3. Small story poll winner. I’d like to get out one really new chapter on top of Horse for my fanfic bros this month.

4. Patron story poll winner.  Since you all will see the next chapter of ATP regardless, I feel that’s fair.

All this means if a story with habitually longer chapters (the stories I really can’t control the length of) won, I don’t know if I could promise to get it out on time. This way, I can hopefully limit the size of the chapters and get all the chapters I want out this month.

Thus for the patron only poll, we have:

Climbing Together – Street Fighter/King of Fighters/Ranma crossover: The group travel south with their burden of a middle-aged, no longer gone to seed Soun. Alas, Weepy Man wakes up eventually, and the drama of the three (?) Tendos continue. Mai and Ranma have a moment, Mai and Shampoo commiserate, Natsume tries to decide if she’s interested in Ranma to the amusement of some and annoyance of others. Another redhead is met, and Soun decides its his turn to put his foot in it, creating a family reunion that no one is prepared for. The group, still with their prisoner, arrive at the Shiranui dojo. Andy makes an ass of himself, Ranma picks a fight. Afterward, Mai debates between wedding lingerie or nurse outfit, with neither working. Arguments abound, and a ultimatum is given. Heart to hearts occur, Soun decides to man up as Andy decides not to. Shampoo and Ranma have some us time, Mai realizes something, and the two martial artists are joined by a third as they once more hit the road.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate crossover:  While Harry and his band cheerfully go about murdering every band of hobgoblins they can find, Edwin makes a new friend, proving that opposites sometimes do attract. Viconia and Imoen continue to do drudge work, before having a minor confrontation wherein Viconia shows her inner drowishness much to Imoen’s chagrin and dark humor. The grinding continues with their new friend, the party meeting up and splitting into new teams as days turn into weeks, and they find new ways to use Harry’s AAS system to grow in strength. It’s all smooth sailing (and some flirting) until the party is forced to face the fact that while they might have taken a step back from solving the Iron Intake Issue, that doesn’t mean their enemies have forgotten them. Yet even with that interruption, Harry still has time to sit down and decide between his two final choices, and, after learning still more about why he was here and what Twice Fated meant, he is given a Major Quest to the southeast as his Paladin Quest.

(As an aside guys, I have posted a rewritten version of the last chapter of Bhaalson already. Download either of the downloadable versions, and the changes are done in RED!! They are quite important going forward)

Yes, folks, Making Waves is not on here, nor is King of Champions. King of Champions is one of the stories I have a lot of trouble estimating the chapter size of. As for Making Waves, I have estimated that chapter, and it’s sitting at around 40,000 words min. I want to finish the small Wendy arc, show what God Ass…er, God Serena is up to, a bit of things going on elsewhere in the world, and finish off the ‘training journey’ saga. Which will mean heap big fights, lots of world building and other things. In contrast, I already have two small fights done for Bhaalson Remodel, and at least two other scenes I can use, which gives me a leg up on finishing it much like I have with Horse.

I deeply apologize for people who are getting tired of how I run these polls changing. Hopefully when I move into my new place things will settle down. Until then, I hope you can bear with me for this month.

This poll will not have a set end date. I will be working on it last this month…



Climbing Together, street fighter 6 is out so is only appropriate


Go Go Climbing!!!