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Hey all, it is time to end this poll.  And of course as always, a sitrep: Stallion of the Line is finished! I sent it off to Tomon Saturday.  I also got a few thousand words done for ATP, not much to write home about but every little bit helps. 

I also want to take the time to thank everyone for the responses on the latest round of questions. I am still going through them, and will probably post a response to that after the winner of this poll is done.  

Anyway, the results are:

Climbing Together: 1,313.  Not bad, but still third place.

Second place goes to.... Bhaalson Remodel with a total of 1,968.  Pretty darn good.  But nowhere near enough because...

Due to the carry over effect of half it's previous total, although it would have won even without that, is Making Waves with 3,243.

Next month Bhaalson Remodel will receive the carryover effect so hopefully we can see the return of Harry, ImoTonks and the rest. 



Glad to see that MW has won.