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Hello my people. I am here to bring you the first of two polls for March 2023.

It has also come to my attention that there have been many movements in various fandoms. I will give my thoughts on several here, simply to, in a tiny way, vent. If anyone wishes to join you are more than welcome to.

New Tolkien movies… no. Could be interesting if they try to make things based on the Silmarillion or the extended works, but I don't think they will go that way, and the idea of a revamp of the original trio for 'modern audiences' makes me want to commit mass murder. I am a major Tolkien fan, folks. This is my fucking childhood, I have a copy of the Hobbit that’s been passed down in my family since my grandfather bought it back in it’s first publishing back in the 1930s when he was a teenager and it was the first and for many years only book he bought himself. Come on Warner Bros. come up with something original, don’t wreck the Great Man’s works, please?!

An attempt has been made to make Luke gay… HAVE YOU READ THE BOOKS!? Fuck me! Luke was a playa, guys! He had multiple HOT girlfriends, and married Mara freaking Jade, hot redhead former Emperor’s spy assassin. NO. He was not gay. Don’t know what’s worse, that BS or the fact baby Yoda was somehow retconned back into Mandalorian. Frankly, anything and everything Disney has made is not canon to me or any real SW fans I talk to in real life. That is all.

That isn’t even going into the new Indiana Movie or the Roald Dahl books being changed…. Guh.

Anyway, here are the choices for this month’s patron only poll:

Climbing Together – Street Fighter/King of Fighters/Ranma crossover: The group travel south with their burden of a middle-aged, no longer gone to seed Soun. Alas, Weepy Man wakes up eventually, and the drama of the three (?) Tendos continue. Mai and Ranma have a moment, Mai and Shampoo commiserate, Natsume tries to decide if she’s interested in Ranma to the amusement of some and annoyance of others.  Another redhead is met, and Soun decides its his turn to put his foot in it, creating a family reunion that no one is prepared for. The group, still with their prisoner, arrive at the Shiranui dojo. Andy makes an ass of himself, Ranma picks a fight. Afterward, Mai debates between wedding lingerie or nurse outfit, with neither working. Arguments abound, and a ultimatum is given. Heart to hearts occur, Soun decides to man up as Andy decides not to. Shampoo and Ranma have some us time, Mai realizes something, and the two martial artists are joined by a third as they once more hit the road.

Bhaalson Remodel – HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate Crossover: Once again, rest and recovery demand their just due, as Harry and his companions mourn many dead. Harry threatens first an officer, than a priest and finally a paladin and a wizard, before the group agree to build up their strength once more followed by a funeral. Harry falls in love and then shows a new ability while out with Khalid and the aforementioned paladin, to the shock of several half-ogres. New armor is obtained along with new quests, and Harry and Viconia realize that yes, in fact they are flirting, and they are fine with this. Jaheira finally gets to show her druid side again, dozens of bandits scream, and news comes from the south. A quest takes them west to the coast of the… Sword Coast… and Harry’s immunity to mind control comes into play once more. Edwin makes a very odd friend, an even odder discovery, and is changed irrevocably, to the amusement of all and confusion of some, before Harry finally decides on the god he wishes to pledge himself to.

Making Waves – Ranma/Fairy Tail Crossover. Exploring the innards of a ancient robot proves to be far more boring than anyone really expected, pointing to a stunning revelation that makes Gajeel very happy indeed. The party stays there for a time at Ranma’s behest, using it as a safe zone as they go out and train, spar or fight the local wildlife. Turns out giant robots were not made to just stomp on human-sized opponents. But this simply means there’s good training to be had, at least according to Ranma. The group separates along natural lines, while back in Fiore, Lisa and Anna make a gleeful announcement causing Erza to leap to a conclusion and deal with the resulting information in a calm, adult manner… *snort*.  At the same time, Wendy meets a princess with dream trouble, and Seliah proves that no, she is not a great believer in kings and nobles. Weeks turn into months as the adventurers explore ever further away from their makeshift home before discovering the next big discovery: an ancient city, still standing, but with odd, very large, destroyed zones within it. Exploring the new city becomes their goal, only for them to run into the city’s sole, quite fiery, resident.

King of Champions: - HP/RWBY: After a severe dressing down, Harry and the rest of his team wait while the fate of Team ARGT is decided. Feelings boil over for a bit, until cooler – and more adult – heads prevail. With Team ARGT serving out their time in durance vile (detention with Port and Oobleck consecutively) Harry spends time with Ren in Vale, and Nora and Pyrrha bond with Team RWBY in the tried and tested method of first person shooters. Ren and Harry learn things about one another and get pulled into a public event while ignoring news from home about a certain redheaded celebrity. A week of lessons go by, as Glynda works with Harry, Pyrrha and, surprisingly, Weiss. Saturday arrives, and the Arcs.  Worse, Arturia sees Pyrrha before meeting Harry. The truth of Harry’s origins comes out while Pyrrha and Arturia attempt to drive Goodwitch to drink, and Tia arrives to toss her hat in the ring. Harry is astonished, embarrassed, and shocked in turn before laying down the law with the help of his father. Later, Arturia and Harry have a heart to heart, while Tia and Pyrrha do the same, the outcome of which promises to raise some eyebrows and blow some minds.

This will go until I have finished ATP, so around next the tenth or so – I won’t be able to work on it until Wednesday due to RL issues, so despite it being so close to being finished... GRRRR.

I will post the small story poll, tomorrow. But remember guys, Fate Touched and Stallion were both updated in February, so it will have only two choices, the two SW stories. I’ve got Horse planned out, but for Magic, my initial outline isn’t very good, it concentrates too much on the space battles around Corellia (3,000 word outline, half of it about those scenes). I don’t want to get too bogged down in that aspect, just show the escalating nature of it while Harry and Aayla reclaim center stage elsewhere.

Hmmm... honestly I don't know which way I'd vote in this... think if Horse has a chance of winning I might throw my votes in for it.  3-4 more chapters for it folks, let's get 'er done!



King of Champions will continue getting my vote until FILFy comes back into the rotation.


Honestly this next chapter of KoC has a scene lined up that I've been looking forward to since the first time Vimesenthusiast gave a summary of the story back before we even got the first chapter. So that definitely gets my vote despite a couple of the others sounding interesting.