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Howdy all. I decided to end this early for a simple reason… it was pretty darn obvious who was winning this poll.  And I just finished Fate. This way I might be able to send off a bit of Stallion to Tomon before the weekend. And yeah, sorry Ranma fans, but giving him more time to work on the chapter is more important than putting out a SoH episode for the Super Bowl, although I might post what I have here just to give you some of the chapter to read through. I am also praying that Observance3 gets ATP52 back to me so I can post it over on fanfic. And I know that will take days to go over.

Anyway, to make it official, here are the poll results:

Climbing Together. Last place, with 997.

Making Waves, second place. It scored 850 but  the ½ bonus from the last time it was in a poll for being the one that hasn’t been updated in the longest gave it 943, making it have a total of 1,793.

Stallion of the Line brought in…. 2,292.



Happy and Sad at the same time. Happy Stallion, but Sad Making Waves


I'm happy about Stallion. I actually read through it again recently and came up with a couple questions. Where is Sabo at the moment? I believe you hinted at him once in chapter 10 when they met Ace. Only referring to him as another brother. I think it was only that he was working with/for Whitebeard in some capacity. It was very vague. I definitely know you've never mentioned any death or fake out death in reference to him. Also, is Chopper still missing an eye from Water 7? It was mentioned that he might be able to grow it back, but I don't think it was ever mentioned again.


Sabo is with Dragon. I haven’t been showing him as yet. And Chopper is still missing an eye. There should be a few mentions of his eyepatch.